Author Happenings:
It’s been an interesting week. It started with a horrible Monday, my mental health took a huge hit, and I have no idea why. Tried to dye my hair to give me a boost and that didn’t help because it didn’t turn out right. Then Wednesday I went and got my right daith piercing to help with my migraines, it did not go as planned, the guy who did my piercing gave me a $30 discount because he felt bad for how it went… I shoulda known then that something was off. I talked with a couple friends who have the same piercing and they told me the proper way to care for it, as he told me wrong, and they told me the correct way. Anyhow, it’s looking and feeling MUCH better now!
The Current WIP:
I have finished Discord’s Nightmare and added 12,490 words! That’s the second book I’ve added 12k words to while editing… It makes me very wary for Cry Havoc, which I’ve started editing now, since it has close to 100k words already. But on to the next thing!
In Publishing News:
The Betas are still working on Haunted Angel, they have until Tuesday and only two of those that have been keeping up have yet to finish. I’m rooting for them! And that will make 13 to have finished this one, which is the highest I’ve had since starting a year and a half ago.
Art Feature:
This weeks art feature is the full cover of The Haunted Angel. Yes, here is the full cover, without the words, just the blank picture for you all to enjoy. I was going for a Film Noir Private Investigator vibe and I think I pulled it off well, Let me know what you think in the comments!

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
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