Beta Reader Information
First, thank you for clicking the link or button that sent you here, I'll try not to take up too much of your time, but I'm going to go over what A Beta Reader is and what I'm looking for from mine.
Pre Order Chaos Theory TODAY!
Want to know how long it takes me to get a book from start to finish? How to stay focused? How to format? You'll find that and more here! Blogs posted on random Wednesdays!
I will post about them on social media as I post, or you can sign up for notifications
on the contact page.
25 Feb 2024 21:30
First, thank you for clicking the link or button that sent you here, I'll try not to take up too much of your time, but I'm going to go over what A Beta Reader is and what I'm looking for from mine.
25 Feb 2024 21:30
First, thank you for clicking the link or button that sent you here, I'll try not to take up too much of your time, but I'm going to go over what An ARC Reviewer is and what I'm looking for from mine.
19 Jul 2023 14:30
This blog is going to be a little different, and for the readers, not the writers. I'll get to you soon. But if you're looking to Beta read, and wondering what it is, what it entails, and what you (the Reader) should be asking the author, this is the blog for you!
10 May 2023 08:30
I wanted to talk about something a little close to home: Post publishing depression. For those who don't know, publishing a book is stressful and for Newbie authors, the payout isn’t equal to what you’ve invested in time, money, and sometimes even sanity. Thinking about that deficit between the input and the output leads many authors to Post Publishing Depression which some never recover from.
19 Apr 2023 08:30
To another Wednesday Business Blog. Where the business is all about creativity with tips, tricks, rants, and hopefully, helpful topics surrounding the creation of art and books.
12 Apr 2023 08:30
To another Wednesday Business Blog. Where the business is all about creativity with tips, tricks, rants, and hopefully, helpful topics surrounding the creation of art and books.
5 Apr 2023 08:30
To another Wednesday Business Blog. Where the business is all about creativity with tips, tricks, rants, and hopefully, helpful topics surrounding the creation of art and books. Today, I’m gonna jump right in and clarify a few things. Yes, people are the bane of the creative person, but they are also a boon. There are so many things that go into this, and if you’re a creative, you probably know what I mean, but let me explain it as if you weren’t, and you can send this to the people this makes you think of or other creatives that will get this…
29 Mar 2023 08:30
To another Wednesday Business Blog. Where the business is all about creativity with tips, tricks, rants, and hopefully, helpful topics surrounding the creation of art and books. This is, as the title suggests, part 3, so if you’ve not read part 1: Imposter Syndrome or part 2: Social Media, I’d recommend it. Today we’re going to talk about something that I’m still working on and haven’t really found the balance for: Life and Guilt. That is the balance of life and creating and the guilt that comes when you haven’t done enough of one or the other.
22 Mar 2023 08:30
There are many different and incredibly difficult problems that creative people, like myself, face in this world of ours. Some of them are physical and some psychological. Last week, I talked about Imposter syndrome which is a psychological bane. Today, I’m going to talk about a big one that a lot of people might not realize is a problem or a bane of our creative process, and some may argue that it is an asset. In moderation, it can be an asset, but more often then not it hinders us, causes us to doubt ourselves, and makes us think that we’re not good enough. That topic is Social Media.
15 Mar 2023 09:30
When I thought of this topic, I didn't think it would be a series, but then I realized the Creative Person has many banes. We can be side-swiped by imposter syndrome, writers/art block, anxiety, life, and social media too. Yes, I consider Social Media a bane to our creating and I'll tell you why in a different blog. These will be in no exact order, Imposter Syndrome was simply the one I experienced last week.
8 Mar 2023 01:54
Disclaimer: these are just my opinions and I do not post solely to Amazon, so I am not in the KDP Select program and cannot give any pros or cons to said program. I publish not only to Amazon but Google Books, and, through Draft2Digital (D2D), I am also on Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Scribd, Palace Marketplace, iBooks, and many more. I am going to be writing a blog about the pros, cons, tips, and tricks to posting to D2D as well.
1 Mar 2023 08:30
Welcome to the Wednesday blogs! This will be all about my work, from drawing and writing to illustrating and publishing. I hope to give tips and tricks, show you my process, or like today, answer a question that was asked over on TikTok…