Author Happenings:
There is nothing to report this week… At least nothing noteworthy happened to me.
The Current WIP:
The rewrite of Discord’s Nightmare has finished! I have a hardcopy coming in the mail this week so I can read over it that way too. I’ve started the edits of Cry Havoc, which doesn’t come out until next April, but I don’t want to forget anything from Discord’s Nightmare between now and December when I should start editing it. I’ve already added nearly 3,000 words to it and it was 99.8k when I started this draft… it’s gonna be a thick book.
In Publishing News:
My dad and final editor has the newest version of The Haunted Angel! It’s so close to being done! After I get his edits in then Matt, my manager will format the eBook! PLUS, my alpha readers and editor now have Discord’s Nightmare! I can’t wait for Betas to dig into this one!
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is the first look at a scene from Discord’s Nightmare, the first book of the Deadly Sirens Series, but the third book of the Created Angel Chronicles. The Deadly Sirens is a four book series within the series and is where things start to heat up in the love department.
In this scene, Discord is singing at a Preternaturally owned speakeasy, that has been around since the prohibition era of the 1920’s. She is also shifting into her gangrenous Angelic form as she sings the song “Monster” by Beth Crowley, not because of the song, but because she has sensed her enemy.
Special Announcement:
I am going to be starting a Wednesday blog that will be about writing, illustrating, publishing, Or I may write up a blog about something personal that has been on my mind. These will go on a separate page under the blog page so that they can be easily searched.
That’s all folks! Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
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