This week...
Has been one of pain and just trying to get back to semi-normal after the Viscos gel injection that I had for my knee on Monday. I nearly passed out on the doctor, due to the sensation of the gel going inside. Yes, the outside was numbed with liquid nitrogen, but I could still feel it going in, which made me lightheaded, fight or flight wanted to kick in, and my doctor kept asking, “Are you all right?” Regardless, I’m actually seeing some improvement from when the gel was injected, but it’s not an improvement of how I was before the injection. He said it would take at least 3 weeks to see any improvement on that front. Here’s to hoping and praying it improves so I won’t need to pursue surgery, which is apparently still on the table. (-_-)

Writing and Editing:
I’ve not been doing a lot of writing or editing this week. It’s been rather slow going, right up until last night as I spent the first half of the week working on the kickstarter page, which is still in review, more about that in the next bit. BUT last night, I wrote 6.6k words into my newest story and I’m very happy about both that number and the words I wrote.
Beta readers have the 6 of 6 chunks of Discord’s Nightmare now and Maxine (my editor) has Broken Redeemer part 4 of 6. Now, as to the “preorder” of Discord’s Nightmare, I’m running it through Kickstarter, because I want you to have a more concise, clear list of what is available and how much it will cost. In my Wednesday blog, I outlined the prices and things available, I also linked a video (youtube) of me talking about it and I will be posting the link as soon as it is cleared review.
I am a bit worried however, because they denied it once due to me saying it was a “preorder” and Kickstarter believes that is “misleading.” I have fixed it and sent it back for appeal, but I can only do that once and I fear that I will have to redo it all, and that took four days to get up and ready. >_<
Now, for that Sneak peak... I mean the art:
This piece is one that I have had made for several years. I am happy to finally have it see the light of day and give you a bit more incite into Discord and the Deadly Sirens: Discord, Havoc, and Chaos. They are not only Angels of Death, but three of the seven Angels of Music. Like each Angelic aspect effects each Angel differently, Discord’s Musical aspect is unique. When she sings, unless instructed to sing something specific, she sings “from her heart” which reveals her innermost thoughts, feelings, and so on. In the book, there is a scene where she is asked to do this in exchange for information for a case she is working for Lucifer.
This leads to some tension as she is dealing with old relationships, the aftermath of them, and the secrets she’s fighting to hide. This scene is a huge turning point in the book and her thoughts on the Love Interest. Anyway, before I reveal too much, here is the picture.
Credit: The song is “Gone” by Beth Crowley
and yes, she has given me permission to use it and others in the book
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
I dropped the Announcement blog about the Kickstarter for Discord’s Nightmare on Wednesday.
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