A story from Vacation, hard choices in editing, the Kickstarter has begun, and showing off all the goodies as I don't have more art for Discord this week, been a bit busy working on writing, the Kickstarter, and the art for the 2nd tumbler.

What Happened?
This week sort of flew by. It started with us on Vacation seeing hubby’s family in Michigan for Memorial Day weekend. Hubby came down with something Sunday night and by Monday night, I decided it was best to pack the car and head back then instead of waiting for the morning as my most alert time is at night, and I had caffeine. I drove straight through and made the 5.5-hour trip in 5 hours flat. Then I had a doctor’s visit, routine thyroid checkup, nothing new to report there. After that this week has been full of Kickstarter, writing, and art, so I’ll leave that for this next bit (-_^)

This is the family photo we took on Sunday at Black Rock, A resteraunt where you get to cook your meat on a 750 degree hot rock at the table.
From L to R Women first: Hubby's Mom (Liane), Rachel (his sister), and me (the Goth Queen on the end)
From L to R the Men: Hubby's Dad (Dan), Nathan (His younger brother), and Dale (my hubby).
How'd Writing and Editing go?
While I was away, I found it very hard to write or rewrite, as it were, but as soon as I got home, I realized why. I’ve been editing the Christmas book this past few weeks, but Wednesday, I had to hike up the big author britches and do something an Author NEVER wants to do. I removed over 53k words from it. Don't worry! I copied it into a different file because a good chunk of those words don't fit anymore with the rewrites of the last two books. That being said, I have already added more than 10k words back into the document bringing me up to 45k words. I’m on a role and it feels great to be back to writing again!
My Adorably photogenic, 1.5 year old puppy, Bella in her favorite spot of the weekend, watching out the window
As for Publishing...
The betas have finished with Discord’s Nightmare, everyone loved it, and the Kickstarter for it is now LIVE. As stated in a pervious blog, the Kickstarter is the preorder for this book.
"But Jenny, how does Kickstarter work?" I'm glad you asked. It’s pretty straightforward, Kickstarter is crowd funded program, which simply means that I don’t buy everything until the end when I know how much I will need of everything, which is exactly how I run my preorders anyhow.
When you click the link, you scroll the options and pledge the specified amount for whichever box or reward tier you would like, and then on July 17th (if I meet the goal, we're already halfway to goal number 1 with 4 "backers") they will take the money from your account. When I have the money (2-3 days), I’ll order everything and ship it out same as usual. It will take 2-3 weeks to get everything in but I’ll start packing up what I have as I can.
Also, Maxine (my editor) is done reading a Broken Redeemer, book 3 of the Kalista Chronicles, and has reminded me that I am still the Queen of Cliffhangers (-_^), which is also why there is a “Christmas Special” that is coming out on my Birthday, December 17th.
That is the book I’m currently writing btw (^_^;)

As for the Art:
I haven’t made any new art this week. As the computer is still working on the second tumbler art, so I shall put in a slideshow featuring all the cool goodies you can get through the Kickstarter only. If this Kickstarter does well, I’ll be doing this again for Kalista’s book with more cool Halloween themed goodies and that will start in September.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
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