I can’t believe that this was the last full week of August! I know a lot of people say this, but where did the month go? It seems to have been a blur of writing and editing while waiting for things to arrive… and missing my human as my husband was out of town for 4 of 5 business days every week. It was rough!

Author's Life
I’ve had some epiphanies this week. One was that I could simply have a page here on my website with all the links on it instead of sending everyone to a linktr.ee, or other site like it. (check that out here) The other I can’t tell you about as it involves the book series and a large bit of plotting that needed to be addressed, and was.
Writing & Editing:
I’m still writing the new book. Getting closer to the end! It picked up again even while I was editing the Christmas Special. I’m still not used to the lack of alone time with hubby gone 4 out of 5 workdays in the week, but it’s becoming less draining. I went from 51k to 66k words, which makes a total of 15k for the week. That’s more than twice what I did last week! I’m hoping to finish it off this week or at least before I leave for vacation Thursday the 7th…
Old Business:
I’ve managed to get all the boxes for Discord's Nightmare packed… except 2, because I didn’t have a couple of the books I needed for them, but those were additions, so they’ll ship out soon as I get those in. The U.S. boxes go out when I get up (this is scheduled before I got to bed Friday nights (^_-) ), and the International boxes will ship on Monday. So be looking for an email with the tracking numbers later today!
Apologies again to everyone who has been waiting for their books and goodies: It truly was a nightmare. (>_<) But it’s nearly over now!
For New business:
The Betas have the third chunk of A Broken Redeemer! My Betas are hooked and cannot get enough. (^_^) My dad read it in a single night, and I think this may be the fastest Beta read EVER! The book is 421 pages in the paperback, so I was floored, but to quote my dad, “It was much easier to follow, less "convoluted" and more straight to the point.” He also mentioned that there was much less to edit than in earlier books, and I'm starting to hit my stride, which made me downright giddy.
Art Feature:
I haven’t worked on art this week… I’ve been busy writing, editing, preparing for my friends’ weddings, and taking care of the puppy. So, you get a picture that I wasn’t sure about sharing so soon, but this is Lilian Angelica, the Main Character of the current Work in Progress and the Love Interest, Mircea Dragomir. I’m not going to tell you more about the book as I’m still writing it and things are bound to change, but Enjoy!
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

The rest of this year:

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