Beta reading of An Angel Ensnared is now in week 2 and we’re making good progress! More news on Chaos Theory, the Kalista Chronicles and an Announcement of when the new covers (and versions for some) will be released at the end!

Author's Life:
I had nothing big on my schedule this week besides my yearly physical and monthly chiropractic visit on Monday, I think my body knew that, because Wednesday night was absolutely horrible and sleepless, which made Thursday awful. Why? I had major pain, and not in my knee this time. The 'nothing is working to take it away, I think I'm dying' anxiety inducing pain. It’s been sorted, mostly, but it's not stopping me from doing work!
Writing & Editing:
I’ve finished revising A Born Angel and it is now with my editor (if you’re not sure what or why I’ve done this, go read the Editing bit from last week). I’m now working on A Brave Sacrifice and I’m halfway done! And yes, I did find MANY mistakes in it. *facepalm*
I didn’t even open An Angel Falls this week. π I’ve been much to busy with the revisions (and the Beta inputs) to get to it, and do need to work on this first.
With the editors:
Maxine now has Chunk 3 of An Angel Ensnared, and she’ll said she should have it back to me this weekend. A shout out to David (her partner) for helping take some things off her plate so she can edit more!
My Dad now has Chaos Theory… I haven’t heard anything about it since I gave it to him on Tuesday, though he has been very busy with work the last few days.
Delilah has A Born Angel, looking over my revisions… and She’s also one of my beta readers, so she’s got that too. π
Beta reading An Angel Ensnared started last week! Out of 11 betas, 4 of them have finished the second chunk, out of the other 7, 3 of them are still working on the first chunk and the other 4 are reading chunk 2.
If you’d like to read this book before it releases and leave a review when it does, you can sign up for an, ARC review copy signups are open for this book. There is the choice of paperback, ebook, or pdf format. I only have 4 paperbacks available so, sign up today!
Thank you for reading this far, here’s another Angel Ensnared tidbit: from Chapter 24 (which’ll be chunk 2 for any betas reading π):
“The Book of Divination?” Michael asked, and I dipped my head. “Dad was talking about it the other day.”
“What for?” Beryx asked, now fully focused.
“He said something about Justin searching the records for it. They’d all been destroyed,” Michael said, and I locked eyes with Beryx.
“Justin knows,” we said…
Next for BETA reading:
If you have read up to Cry Havoc in the Created Angel Chronicles, Beta Reading Signups for Book 5: Chaos Theory Open on Wednesday, July 17th!
Why so early?
Because I want to get the beta reading done BEFORE the Winter holidays. Beta Reading will start September 20, and end on October 18th. I know this is 2 weeks before An Angel Ensnared releases, but again, I want this DONE before the holidays! I need time to relax and write in November for National Novel Writing Month without that distraction. PLUS, Chaos deserves all the attention, love, and just... She's my favorite Angeles... to date. So, please, SIGN UP! It's gonna be Steamy, Gory, and a wee bit Cheesy!
Thanks for getting this far! Here’s a Teaser for Chaos Theory chapter 2!
“Women like a man they can tame, a man with a no nonsense attitude that will tell them how it is, and the broodier the better. That’s how we know they’ll be able to handle our darker sides without running away screaming.”
Art Feature:
Alright, this week I’m giving you all a comparison of the Old Created Angel Chronicles covers vs the new ones! I’m so excited to have them all done!

I will be releasing all the new covers and the new versions of A Born Angel and A Brave Sacrifice on Wednesday, July 24th. I also have a limited time special up on my website, where you can get all 8 new covers for 25% off, and you can preorder them today! Special will ends Sunday, August 18th!
Preorders will be bought as soon as they’re finalized by Amazon. They’ll be shipped 1-3 weeks after I receive them. As a thank you, when I send over the tracking number, you’ll also get a 25% off coupon to use on any item in my shop, which means you could save it for the Angel Ensnared Preorder when it opens on September 15thπ
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:
Mark Your Calendars:
Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5
~ Beta Reading: June 21-July26
~ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st.
~ ARC Reading: starts September 15th
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
~ Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
~ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st.
~ Beta Reading begins: Friday, September 20th - Friday, October 25th.
~ ARC sign-ups begin: October 1st.
~ ARC Reading: March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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