Content Warnings and Possible Triggers:
The Stained Angel is rated M for Mature and contains violence, drinking, smoking, drugs, gore, vulgar language, nudity, crime scenes, serial killings, mind control, some talk or eluding to past traumas such as self-harm, torture, child abuse, and SA.
Please Read with caution.

NEW! Back of the book Blurb
Leighla Tenebrae, Angel of Light, Truth, and Fate, hasn’t had the best luck on Earth, and it’s about to get worse…
Created by the Maker of all things, she was sent thousands of years ago to temper her kins’ impulsiveness and fight the Fœmoræ—a battle that rages to this day. Now, as an International Marshal in the Preternatural branch of Law Enforcement, Leighla faces her toughest challenge yet.
Her brother, Michael—the Archangel of War and Director of the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency—calls for her help in the backwoods of the American south. The case is gruesome, with a body count and a disturbingly familiar MO. Leighla's past resurfaces: unrequited love, betrayal, and metaphysical wounds that never truly healed.
Leighla must confront the brother who hurt her, or let the wounds fester, risking any chance of moving on. In this gripping tale of supernatural intrigue and personal conflict, Leighla’s choices will have far reaching consequences.
Get It Now!
Summary (Spoilers):
The past comes back to haunt Marshal Leighla Tenebrae when Michael, Arc-Angel of war, calls her in on an all-too-familiar case with a Ritualistic killing and the "victims" sins written in blood...
The book opens with Leighla arriving at a fresh crime scene. She was instructed to get there as fast as she could and having just been at the skate park with her adult niece, she was not dressed for the job. She could have changed but was instructed that whatever she was wearing would be fine by dispatch. This does not go over well.
She is immediately looked down on, literally and figuratively, by a few of the local cops that are already on the scene. She gets into verbal jousts with them until Director Michael Angelic of the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency (Eastern USA branch) arrives. He stops the fight before it can begin and takes Leighla inside.
This starts her off on a hunt for a killer who has been at it for over seven thousand years, though there are only three known bodies. The first of which she found, and it traumatized her. As she hunts for this killer, she is also asked to look into the possible abductions of four Angels, and she tells Michael that their psychopath of a brother, Uriel has been resurrected.
This story goes through the ups and downs of Leighla looking for not only the killer, but where Uriel is and who is abducting Angels. Along the way she meets with Makta, son of Arawn, Lord of Annwn, and many others from her former Pantheon, the Tuatha De Danann, along with some of the Norse Pantheon, mainly Forseti.
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