First, thank you for clicking the link or button that sent you here,
I'll try not to take up too much of your time, but I'm going to go over
what An ARC Reviewer is and what I'm looking for from mine.
If you already know what they are, feel free to skip down to the "What I look for" title.

What is an ARC?
ARC stands for Advanced Reader/Review Copy. This is a book gifted to you by the Author (or publishing house) in exchange for an honest review and is usually handed out a month to a month in a half before the book release so you (the Reader) have time to read it before the Review section for said book is open.
What am I looking for in an ARC Reader?
This is much simpler. All I need is for you to read the book and the day of release, leave a review on Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, Kobo, Scribd, and your social media (if you do that). Even your book groups on Facebook, Discord, or so on would be AMAZING since most of the times book groups frown upon authors, even Indie ones like myself, posting book reviews and promotions.
Feel free to tag me in the post (all my socials are @BornAngelAuthor), this isn't a requirement, but I'd love to hear thoughts, conclusions, and even constructive criticism. If you'd like to email with screenshots of mistakes that have gotten through, please do so! I know my books aren't perfect even after 4 editors, AND all the Betas.
Of note: in your reviews, DO NOT say that you got to ARC read the book. This can sometimes be flagged by Amazon/goodreads. You can however say so everywhere else.
Up Next for ARC reading:
An Angel Falls: October 2025
An Angel Falls
is the 6th book of the The Kalista Chronicles.
You will need to read, or have read, the first five books in this series to ARC read for this book
If you would like to purchase them, I do have an eBook bundle discount in my store.
Please read over the book blogs, which feature the trigger warnings, blurbs, and art for each book, plus where to get them:
The blurb: (spoilers)
How do you weigh one life against another?
Kalista, the Born Angel of Light and Justice, faces her greatest challenge yet: Protect her best friend and charge, Katerina from her soul’s enemy when she’s also his target. Vretil, the Angel of Darkness, has deviated from his chilling murder spree of pregnant women resembling lovers who spurned him to include those in his harem. To make matters worse, he’s also threatened Kalista’s sister. Psychological games ensue and an ultimatum is given: Choose one.
Can Kalista outsmart her Soul’s Enemy and save them, or will he force her hand?

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