What's happened this week?
Besides needing to stay up for over 24 hours to reset my internal clock, thank you daylight savings, and our car having to go into the shop due to eating a belt last Thursday (3/9), I’ve had an uneventful week. Though I am starting to have spring allergies hit me and the little warm-ups in weather have caused my immune system to hiccup and I have the stuffy nose ick. But besides that, it’s all good here.
What am I working on?
Discord’s Nightmare second round edits are done… at least mine. just gotta wait for my editor to finish it too (^_^;) Next on the list is Havoc, but first I’m remaking the cover for A Broken Redeemer, I got it done then realized it was way too close in color/style of Brave Sacrifice, so I’m switching it up. It’ll be EPIC! Also, Broken Redeemer is coming up for Hard Copy Edits as well this week!
How's the Publishing going?
Same as last week: The Haunted Angel is ready to be published! Pre-orders are up on Google, Kindle, and here in the shop! All there is to do now is wait until the 7th to hit the publish button <3 Also, I have 6 preorders already. 4 from here at the shop and 3 from amazon! (as of this post)
How about Art?
PREORDER HOODIE IS HERE AND IT’S AMAZING! I figured since technically I made the art and got the hoodie printed it counts ;) it came out perfect! From the sleeves to the art on the back, it's absolutely amazing!
That’s all folks! Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
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