What’s happened this Week?
This week… This week has been a LOT. It started Monday when, after posting to my socials, I then sat down to edit the Christmas Special (name not yet revealed) and after four chapters my characters flipped the script (more about that in the next paragraph). Then I was puppy sitting for my mom Wed-Fri in the afternoons, which I thought meant I was going to take my dog to her house where she would hid and cower while I played with my parents four month old puppy… Boy was I wrong. Bella is now so traumatized from other dogs chasing her, and the one that bit her, that she panics when another dog comes up to her. So I had to take her home Wednesday and put her in her crate while I was there for a few hours, then Thursday Dad got done early, so I didn’t get the chance to go over, and Today, I took their puppy, Chewie over to the Hobby weekend to “show him off” to the ladies, and take a signed copy of A Brave Sacrifice to one of the ladies there. (Thank you, Kathy!) I get to do puppysit again from Mon-Wednesday this coming week too (^_^;)
What Did I Work On?
Before I talk about editing woe’s, I received the first proof copy of October’s release, A Broken Redeemer, on Wednesday! It looks stunning, and goes well with the first two covers, where I thought it would look too similar to the second cover. So, I was going to change it, but this one is perfect, so I’m glad I didn’t go about showing the art, because the cover reveal is August 17th, and the art I made for the “new cover” will go to a different project I’m working on, to be announced later.
Now, while I was editing Kali’s fourth book, the December release, I got to chapter four and realized that one of the Main Characters -yes, there are two point-of-views for this one- acted completely out of character. So, I rewrote that bit which has changed the ENTIRE timeline of the book, which means this is a rewrite NOT an edit, but the book will be MUCH better for it.
How’s the publishing going?
A bit discouraging to be honest. I still only have 4 preorders of physical copies from the shop and 3 from amazon… I was hoping things would pick up, but they haven’t. I’m also thinking about messaging everyone who bought the Stained Angel, so they know that my shop has moved from Ko-fi and that the preorder ends on April 8th…
Why is this discouraging?
I was hoping to run a giveaway after I had 10 signed copy orders of Haunted Angel. So far I only have 4, and I wanted to have 10 before April 1st, so I could run the giveaway from the 2nd-8th and announce the winner on the 9th, but so far it isn’t looking good. There was also going to be a Facebook giveaway if that page reached 100 followers, but that hasn’t happened and I am suspending my page for a couple weeks (starting Sunday) due to the Bill currently in Congress here in the US, and that I’m getting worn out with all the Social Media posting, and Facebook is where I get the least amount of engagement, so it's being suspended for now.
Now, for a pick me up?
Today, I get to show off concept for Kalista’s Angelic form, which we have read snippets of in A Born Angel and A Brave Sacrifice, but in book 3: A Broken Redeemer (coming October 2023) we get a full view of her and the true extent of her powers, and her titles, in action. This is just a concept as her skin is a bit too blue and not quite dark enough.
That’s all folks! Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Countdown to Haunted Angel Release: 15 days!

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