This week...
Happy July everyone! This newsletter was a bit late, I've been dealing with some fatigue issues after I started exercising again, but that's usual for the first couple days. I've been a writing machine this week! read more about it here!

The Author Happenings:
I’ve been writing pretty the majority of this week. Sun-Wed was spent writing then I did art and played SWTOR Thursday to relax a bit. Yesterday was spent marketing, reminding everyone that I’m going LIVE on TikTok at 9pm est every Saturday until 7/15 which is book launch day! Today, has been spent gathering resources for some artwork and just spending time with my Hubby who had a rather busy week.
Writing Update:
I’ve added 20k more words into Christmas Special (which now has a Title!) this week and it’s now at 78k words! That is a lot of words especially for only writing 4 days out of 6 this week— I will be writing more later, after I get done with the TikTok live—. I feel confident about the words I’ve done this week and I’m enjoying this new direction.
Publishing news: (AKA Kickstarter Update)
The Discord’s Nightmare Book Box Kickstarter is sitting at nearly 1400, which means there’s been no additions since last week. If the Kickstarter reaches $1500, I’ll be posting the eBook of my first book A Born Angel for anyone who “backs” the project (aka gets a book/book box).
I also got the hardcover and paperback proofs in too! They look perfect and I will be reading from the paperback tonight on the TikTok Live.

And for some art:
Since I can't show you the art I made this week (due to it being 18+), I'll show you something I made for a tumbler a few weeks ago. This was the one for my husband, Dale. Though it looked a bit different on the tumbler. I.E. she looked more Jedi than Sith. He likes both of them though. and yes, we're both very bit Star Wars fans.

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Reminder: If you want more details and prices, head on over to the Kickstarter page and check it out.
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