From the car breaking on Saturday (June 17th) to my grandma being in the hospital for a few days, life this week has been a roller coaster ride and I’m utterly exhausted, but I still got things done.

Author News:
Sunday was a good day, Monday was hot and awful as we learned that my grandmother should’ve been admitted to the hospital on Friday when my mom took her to the ER. Tuesday, she was admitted to the hospital and we found out that she had a small heart attack. She’s doing better now, the doctors fixed her meds, and she came home Thursday, but needless to say, I’ve been a ball of nervous energy as has my mom who went up to be with her every day and I went to check on mom’s puppy each day she was up at the hospital. This week has been exhausting and today I’m feeling it, but still ran the weekly errands and I’ll be live on Tiktok to do the reading tonight at 9 p.m
How’d Writing and Editing go?
I’ve added another 3k words to the Christmas Special (yet to be named). It would’ve been more but I was working on the last Discord's Nightmare edits and formatting, the website updates, the posting to socials, and dealing with out of the house life, plus my grandma was in the hospital so I was worried about her. Now that everything is settled, I can now focus back on books. Oh! And both A Born Angel (3rd edition) and Discord’s Nightmare (the eBook preorder) are LIVE everywhere.
Don’t forget that the Kickstarter (preorder for physical copies, and signed ebooks) is still going!
How’s the publishing side of things?
The Discord’s Nightmare Book Box Kickstarter is doing better than I though, it has met the second stretch goal ($1100)! Which means the Stained Angel AND Haunted Angel are now FREE if you back the Kickstarter.
If you want to know more about how Kickstarter works, check this blog. If the Kickstarter reaches $1500, I’ll be posting the eBook of my first book A Born Angel for anyone who “backs” the project (aka gets a book/book box). Oh, and Matt also has A Broken Redeemer (October’s Book). ^_^;
Now, the Art!
This picture has absolutely nothing to do with the Created Angel Chronicles, but EVERYTHING to do with the Born Angel Novels: the Kalista Chronicles. This is Kalista, the main character after she comes into her own further into the series. She becomes a goth queen with an unamused attitude to pretty much everything mundane and “shallow” due to all she’s been through. In this picture, she's parked by the Agency, on her motorcycle, which is featured in a few of the books to come.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Reminder: If you want more details and prices, head on over to the Kickstarter page and check it out.
Don't forget to follow me on the socials to get more updates during the week!
Coming Next:

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