This week was jam packed with activities, so I’m going to sum up. I was social 6 days in a row, and I wrote a lot… It’s been one of those weeks where I feel like I haven’t done a lot but I really have, so here’s the summary:

Author's Life:
This week, was BUSY! To sum up, had family fun from Saturday-Wednesday various activities that would be a blog in and of itself. Just know that we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, even if some of us did need a break by the end... that's normal for a family of mostly introverts. Thursday was TTRPG (Tabletop Roleplay Gaming), chores, a nap, a walk with the dog, AND nearly 10k words. Friday was errands, 2 walks, and more words. Today, is chill day. I plan on doing nothing but writing, making art, and relaxing with my Viking (hubby).
Writing and Editing:
This week, I’ve written 19.5k words. That is a lot of words for having done so much, but what can I say, I acquired a laptop on Monday, so that helped immensely with my productivity. As did working on a new story that is pulling me in, tugging my heart strings, and has nearly made me cry four times already, and it’s only at 23k words!
I have also finished reading My Manager the Christmas book and he says it calls for a sequel. I reminded him that is exactly what a series is supposed to do, but now I need to finish going over A Broken Redeemer (Octobers book), Which I have also been doing this week. We’ve gotten to chapter 27 of 60.
(Note: This part hasn’t changed since last week)
Discord is now out in the world! The Kickstarter has ended and I’m just waiting on for the company to finish processing the payment so I can order the books, the prints, and the shipping boxes! Also, if you still want a book, tumbler, keychain, and booksleeve bundle I still have 8 left! Message me on social media or email me at
Art Feature:
This is a big teaser for the book I’m currently writing. This is Lilith aka Lilian Angelic, who Kalista Calls Troi’Kumae (heart mother) as she was the first mother Kalista ever remembers. She has a lot of suppressed trauma to unpack and I’m only 23k words into her book. It’s supposed to be a Paranormal Romance, I’ve yet to get to the main romance… she has had relations with Lucifer and some kissing with (redacted), but nothing with the Main Love Interest, who I still don’t have a name for ^_^; so, I guess it’s good she hasn’t met him yet.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Remember, the Cover Reveal for Kalista Chronicles: A Broken Redeemer hits social media on August 17th, so follow me everywhere and you’re bound to see it at least once!
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