Happy August and Happy Saturday! Where did the week go? For that matter where has the year gone?! This week, I’m not even sure what I did besides write, bake, take the dog for walks, purchase the last few things for the Discord boxes, and make art…
But here’s the lowdown and a new header for the new month!
AND my Year Anniversary for posting Update blogs!!
(I'll be doing another blog this week to talk blogging, and a possible giveaway!)

Author's Life:
This week was about rest and recovery from the extroverting and family time of last week and the cleaning from the week before. I’ve done some baking, dishes, and have stayed home all week, save for Sunday when we went to my grandparents house for lunch and my husband mowed the lawn. It’s been relaxing, but also rather a blur of monotony… Oh, and D.i.D. Delving into Darkness: BFRPG ( Big Fantasy Role Play Game) homebrew that my Manager game up with) on Thursday morning (5:30-7:30 am).
Editing and Writing
Christmas book is 1st draft done, Broken Redeemer (the Halloween release) is now ready for Beta readers (4th-ish? draft). They get the first chunk on the seventeenth (8.17), and I’ve been writing up a storm in between bouts of baking, exercising, and making art to stop me from overthinking packages and when everything will arrive. The new story now has 38k words. (^_^)
The Kickstarter funds finally got to me, so I have ordered what I needed to for the Discord's Nightmare book boxes and am now waiting for everything to arrive. I got the hard copy proofs of the Art prints yesterday and they were perfect! So heres a breakdown for those who ordered books:
- ~ books will arrive between the 13-18
- ~ Art arrives the 16th
- ~ Boxes arrive around then(?) I’m still waiting for confirmation… (pauses to check email) okay they’ll be here after the 17th… I had a bit of a hard time with them and the art and stuff. I won’t be using them again, that’s for *redacted* sure.
- ~ Everything else I have… except the paper to wrap the books, which I’m about to order soon as I get this posted (it’s only 3:15, I got time (-_^)
Now, to the Art!
This! Teaser for the Halloween book box. Yes, I haven’t even gotten the Discrod box fully out yet, and I’m talking Halloween already. I gotta do something while I’m waiting or I’ll become an anxious bean. Also need to get things moving for the next box as Preorders start on the 17th of September, plus I purchased these bookmarks with my earnings from the Discord Box since the company I use was having a “Back to school” sale.
Note: I am NOT using Kickstarter again, because of how awkward everything was on the finalizing end of things and the nearly 2-week delay in funds made me feel awful for having to stall things. I’m going to be using my website to host it again. It was just so much simpler that way.
Anyway! Here are the bookmarks for the Halloween box:
Three fronts and backs of bookmarks that will be in the Halloween Kalista Box...
You only get two unless you get the box with the T-shirt and such in it.
1) Kalista in her leather outfit which consists of Corset, duster, pants, and books.
1b) the wall Kalista is standing in front of with the series and book title plus the Angelic Inc Logo.
2) Kalista gone "Nuclear/Vengeance" after what they do to her in book 3: A Broken Redeemer
2b) Book title, Series title, and Angelic logo with the background of a burning building.
3) Kalista in the future wearing a tank top dress featuring the Cryptic Dance logo, which is a Gothic club and restaurant, she's also standing over an open grave with a sawed off shotgun in one hand and a double bladed scythe in her other hand.
3b) titles and quotes from four of the Kalista Chronicles books. A Born Angel, A Brave Sacrifice, A Broken Redeemer, and the redacted title, which will be on the actual bookmark as a teaser/sneak peak. the background is one blade of the scythe, some eerie fog, and the corner of a headstone.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Remember, the Cover Reveal for Kalista Chronicles: A Broken Redeemer hits social media on August 17th, so follow me everywhere and you’re bound to see it at least once!

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