TODAY IS THE DAY! ARC Reviewers will have CRY HAVOC in their inbox! And I will be anxiously awaiting their feedback/reviews, but until then I shall continue on with my challenge to write a word for every follower on TikTok (4,365 as of March 8) and try not to panic about books being delivered later than expected.
(story about that below)

Author's Life:
Knee remains painful… if I don’t do anything… and I do mean anything. It’s a 3/10 and if I move, walk it’s a 5/10 and when you see this it’ll probably be a 7/10 as I’ll be recovering from the day of being out and about, running errands, and going to the optometrist (eye doctor) whom I hadn’t seen in 2 years.
So, I’m going to talk now about a panic attack I had on Thursday, due to shipping of books. As you all now know, since you read the intro bit, Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) went out today. Well, I was trying to have physical copies too, *SPOILERS* they’re late. 🙃 I had 5 people signed up, one just dropped off the face of email, so they’re out, but four of them were supposed to go out Friday. Only Amazon didn’t ship them until Thursday and I won’t get them until Monday, the 10th.
Why did I panic over this? Well, Amazon said they would be here, to me, from March 6-8th, but they still hadn’t shipped at 4pm on the 7th. They FINALLY shipped at about 4:30 that day. But I was panicking because the one and only time that ever happened before they did not leave the warehouse. It was 2 books, close to Christmas of 2021, and the books were Stolen. One of them showed up on Ebay a few months later and I bought it, but regardless. I panic when books don’t ship on time now. Which I’m hoping doesn’t happen with the next shipment. I have 4 shipments of books set to arrive between now and March 22nd. I’m quite anxious for all of them now. 🫣 So, I’ve been getting more writing done!
Writing & Editing:
Since last week. I have written 24,308 words in “The Hidden Soulmate” (tentative title), which I am doing via a writing challenge from a mutual on Instagram/Tiktok. They challenged their friends/mutuals to write one word for every follower on TikTok/Instagram. I chose TikTok because I wanted more of a challenge. Since Instagram only has 1,038 right now, and TikTok is 4,365. Today is day 5/6 of the challenge as I start a new “Day” at 5 p.m. EST.
I am also working on hard copy edits of An Angel Ensnared. I am on chapter 27 of 39 and, to be completely transparent, I haven’t edited it all week. 🫣I’ve been writing THS while also editing The Haunted Angel for a 2nd Edition as it needed the same “Chapter cleanup” as the Stained Angel did. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, see the next section!
A New Edition of The Stained Angel has been published!! It posted on Wednesday! The cover is brighter, I fixed the typos, errors, lack of italics, and compressed chapters. The content is the same, but the chapters are longer and therefore there are less of them. There are 25 chapters of 3-4k words instead of the 80 chapters of 1,000 words or less.
That being said, I have ordered a few copies of both paperback and Hardcover. I am taking a bit of a gamble with the cover being a bit dark, but I didn’t want to wait a month for a hardcopy proof that would just have the “Not for resale” line across it. I hope they’ll be bright enough. We’ll see. They should be here by March 22nd… hopefully. 🤞🏻
(Warning: I am doing the same for The Haunted Angel, and next year I will do the same for The Kalista Chronicles.)
I now have 9 preorders of Cry Havoc. You can still order all formats, but I cannot Guarantee that the Hardcovers will be there by Release Day (April 9th). Guaranteed April 9th delivery for Paperback ends MARCH 15! So, get your orders in now!
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is the new cover of The Stained Angel! I love this cover so much! And yes, I decided to make a 16x9 version. I may also do a few prints for the first 10 people to order the Stained Angel from my shop.

The front features Marshal Leighla Tenebrae in her “Office Attire” of pinstripe pants and matching vest that is worn over a white, button down shirt with pearl bracelets, her Angelic Inc brand watch, and a pearl necklace. The back features Leighla’s alter ego, Tamisra Zakir who is a Fashionista and part time Dancer at “the Naked Eclipse” wearing an outfit from the main climax of the book, which is now chapter 22.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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