Welcome to March! We’re swiftly coming up on 1/3 of the year… it feels so short when I put it that way, BUT we have 5 more weeks until CRY HAVOC, and I have another little announcement to make!

Author's Life:
The knee pain has returned as the Cortisone wore off faster than expected. *sigh* I’m back to icing after 20+ minutes of being on my feet. It’s been a relatively quiet week, which simply means that I’ve been posting to socials more in prep for Cry Havoc’s release and trying to make sure everyone that usually orders knows about the preorder. It’s a lot harder than you think!
Writing & Editing:
With Cry Havoc corrected, I have started editing An Angel Ensnared. You can now sign up to Beta or ARC read for this book as well, but you need to have read the other 4 books of the Kalista Chronicles first. The beta reading is not until JUNE 16th, and ARC reading isn't until September, but PLEASE, do not sign up unless you can for sure block of the time. I had 34+ people sign up for beta and arc of Cry Havoc, and only half of them are actually going to do it. Please, I've had my hopes dashed enough the last four years. 🥺
All was going well with the edits, UNTIL I was listening to The Stained Angel and found quite a few mistakes that got missed. It was my very first Created Angel Chronicles book, and I didn't have as many editors or betas for it, which leads to—
A New Edition of The Stained Angel will be published THIS WEEK! I am going to have a brightened cover (because it always printed too dark), fix the typos, errors, lack of italics, and change the chapters. The content will be the same, but the chapters will be longer and therefore less of them. Hoping to at least cut it down from 80 chapters of 1k words to 20-30 chapters of 3-4k words, like the rest of my books.
I have actually done this with A Born Angel, not the combining chapters, but the everything else to make it consistent with the rest of the series. I got a few random emails from people when I first did that, because they got a notification saying I put out a new book. 😆 So, I decided to warn you all this time...
I now have 9 preorders of Cry Havoc! HUGE shout out to Carson, you are amazing and made my whole week with your order! Thank you also to everyone else that has ordered. I'm so grateful, especially for those of you that continue to read them and buy them even though I know they have mistakes (and I find new ones all the time).
ALSO, release day delivery of Hardcovers has now CLOSED. You can still order the Hardcover, but I cannot Guarantee that it will be there by Release Day (April 9th). Guaranteed April 9th delivery for Paperback ends MARCH 15!
I am also VERY excited for the Advanced Reader Copies (of which I have 17 readers now) Signed up. I’ll be sending them out in 8 days!! The T-shirts also came this week and looked amazing! Though a bit dark. I still love them!!!

Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is a picture from Chapter 2 of Cry Havoc, and features Havoc sitting in her office in the "Cave of Terrors" cuddling with her roomie, and "earthly sister" Angyl Angelic. If you want the details of how she can touch Angyl, you’ll have to order the book. 😉
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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