This week has been relaxing, and getting right back to business. Writing, editing, and enjoying it and following the flow of creativity. Also, the Beta Reading of An Angel Ensnared starts in 42 days, and I’m nervous about it. If you’ve read the Kalista Chronicles, and want to be one of the few who read it before its published, check out the “publishing” section of this week’s blog.

Author's Life:
This week has been restful, and as I said in the intro, I’ve just enjoyed being home, following the creativity, and resting up after the two road trips in so little time. I’ve only travelled for errands and helping out my mom. Nothing more than twenty minutes one way.
I’ve also started a routine of daily walks with Bella too, trying to feel good in my body again. It’s rough after you find out you have a health condition that’s not going to get better, finding that “new normal” is hard. Wearing a brace any time I walk or drive helps, but that’s only keeping more damage from being done. It won’t solve anything, but I can still write, edit, and make art, so read on for that.
(see note at the end for more info about the issue)
I also dropped the Cover Reveal of An Angel Ensnared this week, in hopes to get more beta readers... *spoilers* it hasn't.
Writing & Editing:
I’ve not gotten any more chapters of Chaos Theory edited, but I’ve been working on two stories that cross over and will come out in two years. I’m still debating on when the 2nd will release, but we got time for that one. For now, Maxine is working on An Angel Ensnared and is supposed to give me the first chunk today!
Deadly Sirens is now 43,390 words, and I’m working on rewriting the book that goes along with it, “Cookies and Rage” which is the first of the Kali-Ling novels and is about Astrid, Max’s shadow. As I said before, I’m debating the release date for it...
- If you’ve read the first 4 books of the Kalista Chronicles, (Born Angel, Brave Sacrifice, Broken Redeemer, and An Angel’s Advent),
- have a few weeks in June/July free (June 21st-July 26th),
- Are interested in Beta Reading book 5: An Angel Ensnared, PLEASE head on over to the Beta Reader information page and carefully read over what I need/like in Beta Readers before signing up.
There are only 8 Beta readers right now, plus my editors who are going to go over it a second time, so I need a few more eyes on it.
If you have not read the first 4 books, but want to beta read, and think you can read them in the next 42 days, send me a direct message on any of my social media (listed below) or send me an email at with the subject line “Beta Reading An Angel Ensnared” and we can work on getting you the first 4 books.
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is Kalista and her Moms. With Mother’s Day being tomorrow, I figured it was appropriate. To the left is Lilith, whom Kalista calls Troi’Kumae and means heart mother, as she was Kalista’s Mother for the first three years of her life. For Preternaturals, those are very formative years. To the right is Anna, Kalista’s biological mother and her father’s soulmate. Then in the middle is Kalista, the main Character of the Kalista Chronicles, and I’m not sure when this picture would’ve been taken in cannon, but it’s still adorable, and fitting for Mother’s day.

My current reads:
I'm still reading through and editing Chaos Theory, but now I've added "Cookies and Rage" to the reading/editing pile, so It's a bit slower goings. >_<

I am listening my way back through the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher read by James Marsters. I have made it to book 16: Peace Talks. Harry is "ears deep in Alligators" at least that's what his Mentor, Ebenezar McCoy said.

Author's note:
The medical condition I'm currently learning to live with/work around is Chondromalacia Patella, or "Runner's Knee", basically the cartilage on the underside of my right kneecap (patella) is breaking down and causing it to pop out of socket and grind, plus it has a divot in the bottom. This is most often seen in those who play sports, or who have had trauma to the knee, which I have had/did and had to have meniscus surgery for back in 2012. So, yeah, the solution for now is that I have to wear a brace to keep it from sliding out of place when I walk for long distances, or drive, and I get injections. It's annoying, but it helps it hurt less.
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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