Happy Star Wars Day! May the force free you. The word for this week is CONCERT! I got to attend my first ever "standing/general admission" concert yesterday! It was so much fun, and I got to take my god-brother and his wife too! We had a blast, but that's not all I did this week...

Author's Life:
This week flew by! I took the 12-hour writing challenge on Monday (More about that in writing), Tuesday I ran a few errands, Wednesday I went with my Viking (husband) to my grandparents to do some “de-winter-izing” of their home plus he mowed their lawn and then I came home and packed. Thursday, I left the house before lunch and travelled down to my God Brother’s family’s home.
Friday, we were all a buzz, not only did we have the concert in Columbus where we saw Halocene, Icon for Hire, and Citizen Soldier, but it was also my God Mom’s birthday! So, us kids went shopping for her that morning, since we were all together before that, and we gave her our gifts before we parted ways Friday afternoon. The parents and grandparents went to Lima for a Legacy 5 concert, and we went to our concert in Columbus.
On the way to the concert, as we were driving around down town Columbus looking for parking, Citizen Soldier walked across the street in front of our car at a light! It was like a “WOAH! THAT’S THE BAND!” Moment. A good time was had by all. Though, sadly, I was unable to stay until the end as my hip and knee were bothering me. 🥺 I did get to see about 90% of the concert, and I will be seeing Icon for Hire and Citizen Soldier again in July with my sister, so it wasn’t too disappointing. BUT as we were leaving the venue, we stopped to get some merch, and I got to talk to Shawn from Icon for Hire for a few minutes!
I was proud of myself for actually talking to him. Why? Because anyone who knows me in real life, knows that I am an extreme introvert. I don’t normally talk to people I don’t know, and to talk to the guitarist and male vocalists of a band that I’ve been listening to for over ten years, is WAY more extroverted than I usually am. He was very chill, and down to earth. A very nice guy.
Today, (Saturday) I’m just hanging out at the house with the grandparents and parents until my god sis (in-law) gets home from work, then we’re going to go out to eat at Fazoli’s (I’ve never been there) and possibly something else too. I’ll talk more about that next week… If I do it.
Writing & Editing:
Editing: I’ve not gotten 2 more chapters of Chaos Theory edited, and Maxine started actually editing An Angel Ensnared today. 😅 It’s slow goings, but it’s been exciting the last few weeks.
As for writing: The 12-hour challenge went much better than anticipated. I actually wrote for 15-hours and got 14,500 words written in “Deadly Sirens” which is the sequal to Chaos Theory. I was impressed, exhilarated, and can’t get back to writing more on Sunday when I get home, or Monday after I’ve calmed down from the weekends excitement.
- Have you’ve read the first 4 books of the Kalista Chronicles, (Born Angel, Brave Sacrifice, Broken Redeemer, and Angel's Advent)?
- Do you have a few weeks in June/July free (June 21st-July 26th),
- Are interested in Beta Reading book 5: An Angel Ensnared?
If so, PLEASE head on over to the Beta Reader information post and carefully read over what I the post before signing up. There are only 7 Beta readers right now, (plus my editors who are going to go over it a second time), so I need a few more eyes on it.
If you have not read the first 4 books, but want to beta read, and think you can read them by June 21st, send me a direct message on any of my social media (listed below) or send me an email at bornangelauthor@gmail.com with the subject line “Beta Reading An Angel Ensnared” and we can work on getting you the first 4 books.
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is STAR WARS! This picture is two Original Characters from the Star Wars the Old Republic Video game. The one in front is a Sith Assassin named Nevca (yes, like the ‘swear word’ in the Demoki Language), and she travels with the menacing, large Sith Marauder, Matcal. Interestingly enough, Max was modelled after Matcal, and Chaos after Nevca. The relationship also happened in game, so that’s kinda where Max came from… and partly Chaos as well.

My current reads:
I'm currently reading through and editing Chaos Theory, and that's the only book I'm reading as I'm also writing more and don't have the time to read more at the moment.

I am listening my way back through the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher read by James Marsters. I have made it to book 15: SKin Games. Harry is teaming up with the Nickle heads on Queen Mab's orders!! 😱 AND he's got Michael Carpenter in on it!!!

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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