~ Note: This page is perpetually being updated,

so if you don't see the character you are looking for, come back later...

You will also find that some characters list all their siblings and some will simply say "Too many to list" this varies due to their personality. 

Some Characters also have "Spotify Playlist" buttons under their Profile picture too.

A Quick note about Preternatural Races:

There are 3 types of Angel: Angeles (Pure), Demokæ (Fallen), Fœmoræ (Corrupted, aka Demons)

Born Angels are 90-99% Angel, Angelians are 75-89% Angel, & Angekæ are 50% Angel.

Aeronwen: Redeemed Angel of Creation, Life, & Pleasure.

Book Appearances:

  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Chaos Theory 


    Aeronwen is a Created and Fallen Angel. She was one of the one third of the Maker’s Created Angels that were part of the original fall. She, Lucifer, and Nevari were close after the fall until the girls parted ways with him, going to Ireland and becoming part of the Angel's known as the Tuatha De Danann. Aeronwen became Ernmas, and Nevari became Órbhuí. They were inseparable until they each found their soulmate, and Ernmas lost hers. Then they became bitter frenemies. Both became pirates and, in the modern age, Ernmas, going by the name Ronnie became a Tattoo Artist who instills her tattoos with some of her Angelic power. She is also known as the Angel of Confession.


    Aero is sarcastic, quite jaded, but also soft and caring. She is always looking out for the Descendants of the Angels, going as far as to keep them from being hurt by hurting their attackers, sometimes her Angelic siblings, and in turn hurting herself tenfold.


Pronuncation: (Air-on-when)

Alias: Ronnie Bhanríon (Bon-ree-un), Ernmas (Ern-Mass), Aero,

Race: Demokæ

Age: Beyond time

Height: 6’4”, 193 cm

Weapon of Choice: she is a Master of the Improvised weapon though if there is nothing in reach, she’ll use words, her scythe, or her powers.

Mode of Transportation: 2016 Maserati Quattroporte GTS

Favorite Pastime: Keeping track of her siblings

Job: Tattoo artist and Private invesigator/computer hacker.

Favorite Person: her niece, Jael.

Least Favorite Person: Nevari/Órbhuí

Love: Aengus (deceased)

Soulmate: Bríon (deceased) 

Children: Morrígan, Badb (Daya), Nemain (Halima), Macha (Kassidy), Glonn, Gnim, Coscar, Erui, Banba, Fodla, Ollom, and Merlin

Pet Peeve: When people spout hurtful words about another without knowing the reason behind their actions.

Powers: Empathy, Facerkinesis, Geokinesis, Gift of Fate, Glamour, The Shyfted (ability to shift into anything), Omnilingualism, Pathokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Teleportation, Therakinesis, & that’s just a start…

Allistasia Grace Tragedy:

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared


    Only daughter of Anna and Justin Tragedy, she is the perfect blend of both her Mother and her Grandmother, Helena Tragedy. She loves her family, but also wishes they would just back off and let her do what she wants. She is currently (in the Kalista Chronicles) a student, but when she finishes college, she goes into fashion design.


   She has an addictive personality, but she is kind and caring, though sometimes extremely self-centered, and you can usually tell when that's an attention seeking charade.


Nicknames: Alli, Asia, Allise (by some of her friends).

Race: Angelian

Age/dob: October 16, 326 BC

Height: 5’9” (175.6 CM)

Weapon of Choice: None (though she will hurl anything she can get her hands on when angered)

Mode of Transportation: 1973 Blue Volkswagen Beetle

Favorite Pastime: Shopping, Doodling dress designs.

Job: Student (later Fashion Designer)

Parents: Justin and Anna Tragedy 

Siblings: Aiden Tragedy & Kalista Angelic.

Favorite Person: Claire Highest

Least Favorite Person: -

Love: Mishael Cloud

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When people in authority tell her that she can’t say things.

Powers: (All of Allistasia’s powers have been dulled by her drug use as a teenager, which is why she started using in the first place) Prosokinesis, Healing fire, Clairvoyance, Pathokinesis, Influence/Compulsion, and Allure.

Alkyone: heir of prophecy, Pain, & Memory

Book Appearances:

  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls


     Alkyone started out life as an Amazonian princess (the Warrior tribe, not the Azteca), daughter of Hippolyta and an unknown male. She was gifted great power from the Maker and quickly became the fiercest warrior they had. She gave it all up at fifteen when she had a vision of a younger brother—whom she didn’t have—being abused. She spirited away her pregnant mother to Lucifer to be kept away from her mate until she delivered. She then remained with Lucifer and cared for her brother in her mother’s stead, becoming one of the Council of Fire at its inception. She remained with Lucifer until the Hidden City. When she was stationed in the Outskirts as a guardian.


      Self-sacrificing, stoic, and often seen as cold. She has a lot of trauma from people not staying in her life, due to their commitments clashing. She is warm and loving once you get to know her, but cross her and she becomes a cold, calculating bitch.


Alias: Professor Zion DeMonica, Sibyl

Pronunciation: Al-key-on, z-eye-on

Race: Born Angel

DOB: before the fall of Ur

Height: 5'11", 180.5 cm

Weapon of Choice: her power to cause pain.

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation or her sleek black Panther De Ville

Favorite Pastime: Watching over my descendants, making trouble for the Triumvirate and Underworld, or working on her car.

Job: Professor of Preternaturals

Parents: Ariel Angelic and (unknown)

Siblings: I have many half siblings, but no full siblings.

Favorite Person: My favorite people have always left…

Least Favorite Person: Myself

Love: (NA)

Children: Ashley & Kalistasia Prophesy, Vance Jealousy, Jericho Misery, Jonathan Spiriter, Cassim & Cassia DeMonica, Sardonyx DeLateo.

Pet Peeve: When the Council stops her from doing her job/best.

Powers: Teleportation, shapeshifting, the gift of fate, Mentakinesis, Omnikinesis, Anocatacona, Cruciatus (ability to cause pain with a look), & so many more…

Anna Natalia Healer-Tragedy: heir of prophecy

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • Cry Havoc


    Only daughter of Shannon and Xennon Healer. She was her father's pride and joy. She married Justin Tragedy after her parents died, and she'd become an Ambassador. She regrets this decision, but was trying to thwart fate and prove that she was not the prophesied "Mistress of the Devil." She is the Heir of Prophecy, but that knowledge had been lost to time or ignored until Lucifer saw her for the second time. 


    Anna is selfless, does all she can to help her fellow preternaturals (non-humans) live in harmony with Mortals and other preternaturals. She is a warrior for Justice and will fight to defend others, and tries to find the good in everyone.


Pronunciation: Ann-uh Nuh-taul-ee-uh

Race: Born Angel

DOB: March 8th, 345 BC

Height: 5'7", 170 cm

Weapon of Choice: Bow Staff or telekinesis

Mode of transportation: teleportation, walking

Favorite Pastime: Helping others, Reading, teaching.

Job: Ambassador/Mother

Parents: Xennon and Shannon Healer

Siblings: Nathaniel & Larock

Favorite Person: Nathaniel, then Justin, and finally Lou

Least Favorite Person: The Akram (She refuses to speak their name but this word means betrayer)

Love: Justin

Soulmate: Lucifer

Children: Allistasia, Baby Tragedy, Aiden, Kalista (and more but redacted for spoilers)

Pet Peeve: When someone tells her she can't or shouldn't help someone

Powers: Telekinesis, Healing Fire, The Gift of Fate, Teleportation, Telepathy, Allure, and Influence/Compulsion.

Arawn Celt: Angel of Death

  • An Angel's Advent
  • Haunted Angel


   Arawn is an Angel of Death, Knowledge, and Protection. He is the Guardian of the otherworld realm of Annwn. He is a loving father, devoted soulmate, and hates that his first wife, Isabella hid so much from him, or thought she did. He was aware the whole time, but kept the peace and tried to guide her away from the Underworld and the Fallen Angels, she so often found herself mixed up with. Between her, taking care of his kids and Annwn’s inhabitants, he doesn’t have much time for anything else.


 Loving, caring, and a heart that hurts for those that have endured trauma. He is a shining light and a good example to those who would follow it.


Alias: Arawn Bás

Race: Angel

Age/dob: Before the beginning of time.

Height: 5’11”, 108.5cm

Weapon of Choice: His powers, though he doesn’t like using them.

Mode of Transportation: Shadow walking.

Favorite Pastime: Watching his soulmate, and reading.

Job: Keeper of Valkarah

Favorite Person: Beelzebub Fate, Belenus Celt, or Hades Olympia.

Least Favorite Person: Those who manipulate others.

Love: Isabella Nyx, Alanna Bás

Children: Nord, Bas, Makta, Daniella, Calypso, Jennihara, Ankou, Miseria, Pandora Philotes, James, and Nemesis, and Belle.

Pet Peeve: Nyx's mood swings, from loving to angry like a metronome

Powers: Necromancy, Anocatacona, Pathokinesis, Compulsion, Skyn-Shyfting, Cloaking, Sanguikinesis, & Cruciatus to name a few.

Astrid Danika Drascul:

Book Appearances:

  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc
  • Snacks and Revenge (short-story)


    Astrid is the "reckless and rebellious" middle child of the Drascul horde. She is also the trainee of Max (Áiféiseach). She is more tame than she appears. Those who knew her mother growing up often say that  Astrid is much like her, but to the unrestrained Nth degree, and her mother works very hard to make sure she never knows the oppression she went through as a teenager with unruly powers. Going so far as to have her trained by Max, her "street-wise Mentor."


   Often seen as Rebellious because she unabashedly speaks the truth. She is a moody, goth girl with a heart of gold and a rage that will incinerate anyone who comes after her family, found or blood. 


Pronunciation: Ass-trid

Alias: Midge, Ass, Anarchy, Rid

Race: Born Angel

Age/dob: September 9th, 2010(i think)

Height: 5'2", 157.5 cm

Weapon of Choice: Crow Bar and Sawed off Shotgun

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation, or Uncle Max

Favorite Pastime: Video Games or Reading, *coughs: explosions*

Job: Marshal in Training

Parents: Beryx and Kalista Drascul

Siblings: Too many to list here and the list keeps growing.

Favorite Person: Max

Least Favorite Person: her sister, Makaila 

Love: ~

Children: ~

Pet Peeve: When someone asks, "Would your mother approve of that?" Mom's answer is as follows, "If it isn't Immoral, Illegal, or harmful, and she can afford it, it's her problem."

Powers: Far too many to list and still gaining more...

Badb: Heir of Confession 

Book Appearances:

  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare


    The true heir of Aeronwen Bhanríon and her soulmate Bríon. She was to be the Born Angel of Death but became upon her “birth” the Born Angel of Pain, Pleasure, and Shadow. She is one of the Irish Fates. She prophecies of  heartbreak, ruin, defeat, and pain. She is the hired gun of Lucifer Angelic, part time Lover of aforementioned Demokæ, and permanent tease. She is the Heir of confession. (Her name is pronounced Bov)


    Seductive, teasing, playful, true femme fatal, but will kill you if the right person asks and she sees that your time is up. People find themselves spilling their guts to her and then blaming her for it.


Pronunciation: Bov (don't ask me, it's Irish)

Alias: Daya (Day-uh) Bhanríon (Bon-ree-un), Bellamira (bell-uh-meer-ah) Eirene (iy-rain-ay) Lowell (lowl), Eirene (iy-rain-ay), and “the Raven”

Race: Born Angel

Age: nearly 7.7k years old

Height: 6’3”, 191 cm

Weapon of Choice: Power, or anything she can get her hands on. She is the “Master of Improvised Weapons”

Mode of Transportation: depends on the day.

Favorite Pastime: Anything fast and quite possibly deadly.

Job: Guardian, infiltrator, Assassin, Secret Keeper, Finder, Mechanic… Jill of All Trades.

Parents: Aeronwen & Bríon

Siblings: I have seven siblings.

Favorite Person: N/A

Least Favorite Person: Those who get on my bad side don’t live long.

Love: (redacted)

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When someone blames me for their confession.

Powers: All of them…

Beryx Drascul: Born Angel of Mercy &  Dreams

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • An Angel Ensnared


   Only son of Remiel, Angel of Empathy, Mercy, and Sorrow, and Daniella Drascul. Nearly Identical twin to the bastard son Ephraim Highest, Triplet to Lovette Drascul. Once General of Lucifer's armies and his best friend. He was imprisoned for nearly two thousand years after helping Lucifer and Anna. 


    Beryx is gentle, kind, and caring, but willing to go to any lengths to protect those in his care. Do not mistake his kindness for weakness. He is a warrior and has a caged beast inside him that is released when Justice has been violated. 


Pronunciation: Bear-ix

Nicknames: Rex, Beastie

Race: Born Angel

Age: (Classified)

Height: 5’10”, 177cm

Weapon of Choice: Broad Sword, or fists.

Mode of Transportation: Horseback, Teleportation when necessary.

Favorite Pastime: Taming wild animals, Reading

Job: General, Warrior, & Farmer

Parents: Remiel and Daniella Drascul

Siblings: Ephraim Highest & Lovette Drascul

Favorite Person: Beelzebub or Kalista

Least Favorite Person: Ephraim and his father.

Soulmate: (read the Kalista Chronicles)

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When someone plots, schemes, and hurts those I'm sworn to protect

Powers: Telekinesis, Teleportation, Facerkinesis, mentakinesis, Reveal, Prosokinesis, Pathokinesis, Empath... 

Chaos: Angel of Death, Disorder, Justice, & Music

Book Appearances:

  • The Stained Angel
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory (2025)


     No one knows everything about Chaos's past, and she prefers it that way. Those who do know, are paid, or threatened to keep their mouths shut. Some of her closest friends and family still don’t have any idea what her created name is, and that’s the way it’s going to stay.

      She currently lives in about forty-five minutes outside of Paris, France. She works as a part time Bouncer and Dancer at her adopted Daughter Kotys Bendis’s Gentlemen’s club, which she co-owns, the Kandy Shop. She is also a game tester for Miseria Mortem.


 Chaos is just that a chaotic good, who doesn't care for the confines of regular society, but is forced to live as such for the sake of Kotys.


Alias: Roxanne(Rocks-anne) Kandy, Harmony (Har-mo-knee) Altera(All-tear-uh)

Race: Demokæ

Age/dob: Beyond Time

Height: 6’1 (on a tall day)

Weapon of Choice: Maniac, her fire axe

Mode of Transportation: Belle, her 1955 Bel Air.

Favorite Pastime: Video gaming, singing, and pole dancing.

Job: Part time Bouncer, Part time Pole Dancer, Full time Video Game tester.

Triumvirate: The Deadly Sirens

Favorite Person: Kotys Bendis, or Discord…

Least Favorite Person: Goldilocks

Soulmate: Lahash

Children: Adopted: Kotys Bendis

Pet Peeve: When people take what isn’t theirs and ruin it.

Powers: Teleportation, Telepathy, compulsion, Omnikinesis, Shyfting, summoning, Realm Walking, Shadow Walking, Sanguikinesis, Somnikinesis,Mentakinesis, and some say her sarcasm is a power all its own.

Daniella Drascul, jr: Born Angel of Death &  Night

Book Appearances:

  • Discord's Nightmare


   Daughter of Beryx Drascul and Kalista, triplet sister of Michael and Mikaila. She is the image of her father with the personality and spirit of her mother. She's a kind, caring girl who wants nothing more than to be seen for who she is and not what she will be. She doesn’t enjoy most of her powers and wishes she could control them better, especially after the loss of (redacted). Like her mother she also has a lot of childhood trauma, but she's in therapy for that. 


   Daniella is naturally kind, and caring just like her namesake, but she has seen the worst side of people and knows to trust her gut, and her intuition about people.


Pronunciation: Dan-ey-L-Ah

Alias: Malice (her agency nickname)

Race: Born Angel/Grim

Age/dob: December 6th, 2005

Height: 5'7", 170 cm.  

Weapon of Choice: Anything, everything...

Mode of Transportation: My feet or teleportation

Favorite Pastime: Fishing, gaming, & reading (in that order).

Job: Agent

Parents: Beryx and Kalista Drascul

Siblings: Too many to list.

Favorite Person: Cassiopeia 

Least Favorite Person: Rachmiel

Soulmate: ~spoilers~

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When her powers overwhelm her, or when they react without warning.

Powers: Anocatacona (the power over death), Omnikinesis (all the kinetic abilities), teleportation, telepathy, compulsion, glamour, reveal... there's a lot...

Delarose/Daniella Drascul, Sr.

Book Appearances:

  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel


   Daughter of Arawn Celt and Rhiannon, she was given away at birth and her father had no knowledge of her until after she died giving birth to Beryx, Lovette, and Ephraim. She is the soulmate of Remiel and was his wife before her death. They have yet to remarry. She has had a rough go of life as she was raised only hours after her death and forced to use her power over life and Death to kill by the Triumvirate of Evil for nearly four thousand years, until shortly before the happenings of The Stained Angel.


   Naturally Kinda, caring, and compassionate, but trained to be cold, turned jaded and cynical before she learns the truth of her past.


Pronunciation: Dan-ey-L-Ah

Alias: Delarose (Dell-ah-rose), Diana (Die-an-uh) Amazonia (Am-uh-zone-ee-uh)

Race: Born Angel/Grim

Age/dob: Unknown

Height: 6’2”, 188 cm.  

Weapon of Choice: My powers

Mode of Transportation: My motorcycle

Favorite Pastime: Dancing, Riding said motorcycle, and reading.

Job: Dancer, Pleaser, killer

Parents: Arawn Bas/Celt & Rhiannon

Siblings: Too many to list.

Favorite Person: Jael Stryker

Least Favorite Person: Nâkœcon Keæntæ (Evil Queen)

Soulmate: Remiel Drascul 

Children: Beryx, Ephraim, & Lovette… Currently…

Pet Peeve: When others try to control through black mail, pain, or force.

Powers: Anocatacona (the power over death) and others yet unexplored.

Discord: Angel of Death, Hope, & Life

Book Appearances:

  • An Angel's Advent
  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory


    The first of three Angels in the Triumvirate of Deadly Sirens. She is the Angel of Death, Life, Hope, and Music, which can get confusing. She's not all she seems. She hides bits of her life from everyone because those she let in betray her trust, or leave. She has trust issues due to past traumas that are flushed out in her book, Discord's Nightmare.


    She's sarcastic, witty, and sexually charged with the handful of beings she moderately trusts. Do not cross her as she does not make enemies, she buries them.


Alias: Anne Bonny, Neamhréir (Nev-ray-r), Aeshma (ay-sh-muh), Annette (An-Net), Red

Race: Demokæ

Age: Ancient 

Height: 6'3.5", 192 cm

Weapon of Choice: Anything Handy

Mode of Transportation: Kawasaki Ninja

Favorite Pastime: Keeping Secrets

Job: Assassin and Spy for the good guys

Triumvirate: the Deadly Sirens

Favorite Person: if you made her choose, Chaos or Ronnie

Least Favorite Person: Ornias

Soulmate: (redacted)

Children: Classified

Pet Peeve: When someone assumes they can control or manipulate her.

Powers: She has quite the array of powers, creation, death, pyrokinesis, teleportation, telekinesis, and Mentakinesis to name a select few that I've noted her using.

Ephraim Highest

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel Ensnared


   Son of Vretil and Daniella, Ephraim is the former Judge of the Council of Fire. He hates his twin brother with a passion and leaves the Council to chase down Ivanya after she leaves to find her brother’s killer. They both become involved in the Underworld, the preternatural mafia, get married, and work directly for the Triumvirate of Evil. Ephraim banished his own brother, Beryx out of spite and jealousy since he had a soulmate and was the more liked of the nearly identical twins.


 Conniving, backstabbing, and holds a grudge better than anyone. If you have a weak mind, he could convince you to sell your own grandmother.


Pronunciation: E-free-um

Alias: NA

Race: Cantoris Demon

Age: Unknown

Height: 5’11”, 180.5

Weapon of Choice: His bestial form which resembles a bull demon.

Mode of Transportation: -

Favorite Pastime: Walking the Desert or annoying Ivanya…

Job: Troublemaker, Servant of the Triumvirate of Evil

Parents: Daniella Drascul & the Dark Angel

Siblings: Many... 

Favorite Person: Grim

Least Favorite Person: Anyone who has the nerve to step up to me.

Love: Ivanya…

Children: Apolos and Apollymia

Pet Peeve: My twin brother, Beryx.

Powers: Compulsion, Mentakinesis (lesser), shyfting.

Freya: Angel of Beauty, Death, Prophecy, & War

Book Appearances: 

  • The Haunted Angel
  • Cry Havoc


    One of only a handful the four fold Angeles, Freya was foremost an Angel of Death and War, and is nicknamed the “Beautiful Death.” She was once a member of the Tuatha De Danann but much like Havoc, a member of her Triumvirate of War, she was traded to the Aesir, the Nordic Pantheon. At first, she thought that life would be perfect as she was now with her soulmate, Odin. When life did not turn out the way she thought it would, she kept things inside, until she couldn’t. She left the Aesir, her triumvirates, and went off on her own taking half the Valkyrie with her. (she’ll have her own book, eventually.)


   Flirtatious and confident, but sick of people screwing her over and thinking she’ll just “put up with it.”


Pronunciation: Fray-uh

Alias: Frigga (Frig-ah), Skær (scare), Bronwen(bron-when), Lasánta (Los-ant-uh), Queen of the Valkyrie.

Race: Demokæ

Age/dob: N/A

Height: 6'5", 195.6 cm

Weapon of Choice: Her power, her staff, or two axes

Mode of Transportation: Her bike, or teleportation

Favorite Pastime: Riding her motorcycle, kicking ass, killing, and taking names.

Job: Queen of the Valkyrie and Guardian of Justice

Siblings: The Tuatha de Dannan

Favorite Person: Mægrä Díoltas

Least Favorite Person: Hjaldrgoð (God of Battle and a name for Odin)

Love: Hildolfr (Battle Wolf, yet another name for Odin)

Children: it’s a lot.

Pet Peeve: Whenever someone interferes in my life or those of my descendants with malicious intent.

Powers: Telepathy, Teleportation, Anocatacona, Biokinesis, Empathy, Kreshb'akta Kongta (beast talk), Metekinesis, Omnilingualism, Temprakinesis, The Gift of Fate, Clairvoyance, Facerkinesis, Cloaking, skin-shyfting, Shape shyfting, Shadow Shyfting.

Gabriel: Angel of Elements, Judgement, & Wisdom

Book Appearances: 

  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel (sort of)
  • Snacks and Revenge (short story)
  • Deadly Sirens


   Gabriel is, or was, "the Strength of the Maker." He is the head of a group of Angels who do their best to watch over other Angels to keep them from falling, but this has not worked out for many, if any, of them. Their involvement always seems to mess things up... Yes, even more than Lucifer's involvement. 

   Many of his siblings call him "The Blind Leader" because he so often operates under his own strength and knowledge, while beating down anyone who dares defy him. He is Plague, one of the four Horseman of the Apocalypse. He also looks an uncannily like his brother Michael. 


   Quick witted, often strongheaded and closedminded he is one Angel you do not want to cross, because he will act in his ignorance and destroy everything you love.


Pronunciation: Gabe-ree-L

Alias: Gabe, Riel, prick, Jerk, doorknob, "The Blind Leader"

Race: Demokæ

Age/dob: beyond time

Height: 6'3", 190 cm

Weapon of Choice: Flaming Sword

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation

Favorite Pastime: Screwing things up

Job: The Maker's Tool

Favorite Person: Michael Angelic

Least Favorite Person: Anyone who questions me.

Soulmate: NA

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When someone questions me or confuses me for Michael.

Powers: Has many though quite a few are gone now due to unfortunate circumstances.

Havoc: Angel of Death, Love, War, & Music

Book Appearances:

  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc (her book)
  • Chaos Theory


     Havoc is quite the misunderstood Angel, and is the most powerful after her Redemption. She was originally the Angel of Death, Love, War, and Music. She came to Earth with her Triumvirate of Death and Music, the Deadly Sirens (Chaos and Discord), to aid the Tuatha in the war against the Fœmoræ.

    After some time with the Tuatha, the Maker reassigned her to work with a group of Death Hounds known as the Cu Sidhe. When they were all but wiped out, she was cursed, and went to live with the Norse Pantheon. Odin renamed her Saga, and she remained in Asgard for many centuries before being caught up in the Trojan War for reasons that will come to light in her book, CRY HAVOC.

    In the current age, she is the lead singer of a Gothic Symphonic Metal band known as Death Angel. 

(Pre-order for her book begins February 14th)


    An introvert and wounded soul, she finds herself wishing for a time long ago when things were different before she fell, while continually paying for the consequences of actions that were not her own.


Pronunciation: Have-ick

Alias: Melody Amhrán (am-ran), Ceolmhaireacht (kohl-m-er-act), Queen Mab, Bailitheoir (Baal-ee-who-er, Irish), Saga, Cosette (Co-zet), Asariel (As-air-ee-L)

Race: Demokæ

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 5’5”, 165 cm

Weapon of Choice: Her powers & the weather, but she will use an Axe of bone if necessary

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation.

Favorite Pastime: Staring at a map, reading.

Job: Musician, Singer, and performer… The Maker’s Reaper.

Triumvirate: the Deadly Sirens

Favorite Person: Angyl Angelic

Best Friend: Odin

Least Favorite Person: Nevari, the Scubaid (Irish), Feadhna, or Macha depends on the day.

Love: NA

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When someone prods and pries into my personal life or asks to talk about me.

Powers: Omnikinesis, Shyfted, Anocatacona, Gift of Fate… Pretty much all the powers… through one way or another.

Isabella: Angel of Darkness, Death, & Sorrow

Book Appearances:

  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel
  • An Angel Ensnared


    She has had several names over the millennia that she has been on earth and has been a apart of several pantheons including, but not limited to: Norse, Egyptian, Celtic, and Amazonian. She has also had lovers in each pantheon, even after finding her soulmate in the Celtic Pantheon. She has kids in each pantheon as well and tends not to talk about them. She is racked by the guilt of things she has done, rebellions she started, and wars too.


   A being of Passion, lust, and anger she is driven to hate fueled sexcapades, and doing stupid things out of love for those closest to her before she realizes the harm it will cause.


Pronunciation: Iz-uh-bell-uh

Alias: Hel, Anubis, Bella Celt, Nyx (nicks),
Yehudiah (Yeh-who-dee-uh)

Race: Demokæ

Age: Beyond time

Height: 5’6.5”, 169 cm

Weapon of Choice: Her powers or a Comorian dagger gifted to her.

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation, her murdered out Porsche

Favorite Pastime: Thwarting death & Fate by raising the dead

Job: Agent PMCA-EU

Favorite Person: Death has no favorites… (or she shouldn’t)

Least Favorite Person: those who impersonate me

Soulmate: Arawn Celt

Children: Nord, Bás, Calypso, Jennihara, Ankou, Miseria, Aria, Pandora, James, Nemesis, and Belle Morte.

Pet Peeve: When the father’s of my children see fit to interfere with their lives.

Powers: Shadow Shyfting, Regeneration, Omnikinesis, Gift of Fate, Anocatacona, Teleportation, and Berserker.

Ivanya highest

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel Ensnared


   Ivanya was the formal executioner of the Council of Fire until she left the council in a fit of rage over not being able to kill her twins murderer. She believed that they were dishonoring her brother, and fellow Council Member, by not going after his killer. She went after them herself and never went back. She ended up in the Underworld working for the Triumvirate of Evil, the head of which is her Grandfather, Vretil. There is much more to her than meets the eye… All will be revealed in The Kalista Chronicles.


   Conniving, tempting, and alluring, she draws people in for what they can do for her before cutting the strings and letting them loose. The only person she has not done this with is her lover.


Pronunciation: Ih-von-ya

Alias: Eva

Race: Angelian (thought to be)

DOB: Unknown

Height: 5’6”, 168 cm

Weapon of Choice: Drugs, powers, my mind.

Mode of Transportation: Shadow

Favorite Pastime: reading and seduction

Job: Former Executioner, Current Librarian, Servant of the TOE

Parents: Makuta Spiriter & Xena Amazonia

Siblings: (Full) Hagrid & Marcus, also many half siblings.

Favorite Person: Justin Tragedy

Least Favorite Person: My husband…

Lover: Justin Tragedy

Husband: Ephraim Highest

Children: Apolos and Apollymia

Pet Peeve: When no one will leave me alone.

Powers: Compulsion, glamour, telekinesis, telepathy, mentakinesis, metakinesis, Prosokinesis, Coganimus, shadow shyfting.

Kalista Iliana Angelic: Heir of Light, Truth, and Healing

Kalista at the end of A Born Angel

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls
  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory


   Protagonist of the Kalista Chronicles, she is the daughter of Anna Tragedy and Lucifer Angelic. She is the prophesied heir of her father, the notorious King of Demons and Angel of Light. She is judged severely for who her father is and the rumors surrounding him. She does her best to stay out of trouble and keep her nose in her books, but she consistently finds herself in the wrong place at just the right time.

    As her series progresses, she takes matters into her own hands and comes into her own, free of the oppression of the Councils and only responsible to the Maker himself.


    Kalista is shy and introverted, but speaks out and up when justice, morals, and ethics are  violated, or someone is being taken advantage of.


Pronunciation: Kuh-lee-stuh

Nicknames: Kali, Lee, Charka (Char-kuh) Aknobas (ack-no-bus)

Race: Born Angel

DOB: October 31, 323 BC

Height: (first appearance) 5'2", 157.5 cm

Weapon of Choice: knife, dagger, or her powers when working.

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation or her wings

Favorite Pastime: Reading

Job: Student

Parents: Anna Healer-Tragedy & Lucifer Angelic 

Siblings: Way too many to list.

Favorite Person: Michael Spiriter

Least Favorite Person: Judge Ramah Highest

Soulmate: (read the books)

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When someone attacks or threatens her family, found or biological.

Powers: far too many to mention and they are ever growing.

Katerina DeLateo:

Book appearances:

  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls


     Daughter of Alaric and Cassia Reece, granddaughter of Alkyone DeMonica. Katerina is on the fast track to becoming a hot shot preternatural lawyer until she meets and falls in love with Julian Maxwell, who was studying to become a Preternatural Law Enforcement Officer. They fell head over heels in love and it changed everything for them.


    Loving, sympathetic, and passionate about fighting crime through Legal means, Katerina isn’t one to back down from a verbal fight, but will let the law handle any physical issues.


Alias: Katerina Reece

Race: Unknown (either Angelian or Born Angel)

Age/dob: September 21, 1985

Height: 5’8” 172cm

Weapon of Choice: Words… but will improvise if attacked first.

Mode of Transportation: Other people…

Favorite Pastime: Reading.

Job: Student/Lawyer

Parents: Alaric and Cassia Reece

Siblings: None

Favorite Person: Tatiana Angelic

Least Favorite Person: Nefarious & Malicious Criminals

Love: Julian Maxwell.

Children: (Spoilers)

Pet Peeve: When criminals get away with a crime.

Powers: (Known) Prosokinesis, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Prophecy, & compulsion…

Kotys Bendis: Heir of Justice,  Truth, Protection, and Pleasure.

Book appearances:

  • An Angel Falls
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory


     Kotys is the daughter of Zalmoxis, or Zamina Bendis, head of the Thracian Pantheon of Angels. She is said to have “No father”, though both Zalmoxis and Chaos know who her father is, the latter is bound to secrecy. Kotys has great healing abilities that center around sex and relationships. She was forced to flee her pantheon after Zalmoxis’s lover got jealous and tried to kill her. Kotys in turn killed her, and she fled with Chaos to stop a war within the Pantheon.

     Kotys was forced to hide her powers after someone tried to hunt her down and exact revenge for the death of Zalmoxis’s lover. Kotys and Chaos moved to France and where Kotys went to university and became a lawyer. She also took up part time exotic dancing to pay tuition and she enjoyed it, but the environment wasn’t friendly to Preternaturals, so she and Chaos started the first Gentlemen’s club with a completely Preternatural staff, The Kandy Shop in Paris, France. She also has a thriving Law Firm and offers help to those that don't normally get good representation. (Fun Fact: This is also where she met 90% of the Kandy Girls, and brought them into her Found Family.)


Kotys is a thoughtful and protective friend, and a savvy businesswoman. A professional in the streets, and a bubbly, caring, hopeless romantic in the comfort of her own home. She is very business minded, but also has a big heart that often gets her into trouble, but she has enough know-how to get herself and anyone she’s protecting out again.


Alias: Kandis Kandy

Race: Born Angel

Age/dob: sometime at the height of the Tuatha de Danann

Height: 6’ 3.5”, 192 CM

Weapon of Choice: Words and the Law, though she will use her powers to kill she prefers not to.

Mode of Transportation: Her Aston Martin one-77

Favorite Pastime: Reading, taking in strays…

Job: Lawyer by day, Mistress/Madame by Night

Parents: Zalmoxis

Siblings: None

Favorite Person: Chaos

Least Favorite Person: She keeps that tight to the vest.

Love: NA

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When someone challenges me, or attacks Chaos.

Powers: Omnikinesis, teleportation, Telepathy, Allure, Cruciatus, Intuition, Truth Speaking, Reveal, Glamour, Realm Walking, skyn-shyfting, and Shadow shyfting.

Leighla Tenebrae: Angel of Fate, Light, and Truth

Book appearances:

  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel
  • Cry Havoc


    Protagonist of The Stained Angel, Leighla is an International Preternatural Marshal and a Guardian of Justice. She appears in the background of a lot of the Born Angel Novels, though rarely by name. Her mission from the Maker is to track down and execute corrupted Angels and keep their Angelic heirs alive. 

    She lives in a cabin at the Montana end of Yellow Stone National park with her roommate Miseria Mortem. Her favorite pastimes are skateboarding, gaming, and reading when her schedule allows. She also tries to avoid most other Angels except those who were former members of the Tuatha De Danann.


    She is an introvert, an INFJ, and a Chaotic Good. She has a large Aura and a dominating presence, but she is friendly once you gain her trust, which is nigh impossible. She is a morally good but quite unpredictable and prefers to work alone. She also doesn't do much of anything by the book.


Pronunciation: Lay-luh

Alias: Tamisra (tam-is-ruh) Zakir (Z-aa-k-ihr), Rajini (Raj-ee-nee) Adrianna (Aid-ree-anne-uh), Leigheas (Lay-as), Stjärna (Har-nuh... it's Swedish), Marmaroth (mar-mah-wrauth)

Race: Angeles

Age: Beyond Time

Height: usually 5'4", sometimes 6'1"-ish, 186 cm.  

Weapon of Choice: Anything she can get her hands on.

Mode of Transportation: "Herb" her 1963 Volkswagen Beetle 

Favorite Pastime: Skate boarding, Reading, & Gaming.

Job: Angelic Executioner, International Preternatural Marshal, Secret keeper, Oracle, and Mentor.

Favorite Person: Miseria Mortem

Least Favorite Person: "Anyone who decides that they have the right to another person or abuses them."

Soulmate: (redacted)

Children: N/A

Pet Peeve: When people interrupt me, don't listen, or manipulate me.

Powers: She prefers not to say because she has way too many to list.

Lilith: Mistress of Lucifer

Book Appearances:

  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls


    A lot about Lilith is still unknown to many. She has been the Mistress of Lucifer for longer than many would dare to admit. She is the daughter of two Angels of the Sumerian Pantheon, and she witnessed her parents’ corruption.

    In modern times, she is a bridal consultant, and a former fashion designer, who works out of her best friend, Hannah Highest’s shop. She is mother to twin girls, Merida and Tatiana. She was the first mother Kalista Iliana ever really knew and raised her as her own, while knowing that she was the daughter of Lucifer and his soulmate, Anna.


   Lilith is a kinda, compassionate soul who is always looking for the best in others, and seeking to help them heal. This is partially so that she does not have to look into her own past, the trauma she has buried, and cannot heal. She would rather make peace than fight and is hard to offend and even harder to anger.


Alias: Legal Name: Lilian Eden Angelica

Race: Born Angel

Age/dob: during the Ubaid period of Mesopotamia

Height: 5’6.5” 169 (CM)

Weapon of Choice: None. Lilith prefers to use words and make peace, but is a decent fighter, though she summons her own weapons of shadow or she uses telekinesis.

Mode of Transportation: 1979 Firebird Trans AM in Red.

Favorite Pastime: Reading, shopping, drawing, wedding planning

Job: Wedding Coordinator, retired dress designer

Favorite Person: Depends on the day and who you ask.

Least Favorite Person: anyone who threatens her family or the wellbeing of those she cares about.

Love: Lucifer is her part time lover and later on, Anna. She doesn’t have a mate of her own… yet.

Children: Merida, Tatiana, and Evelina.

Pet Peeve: Being told that I’ve sold my soul to Lucifer to get where I am.

Powers: Lilith was born with many but was once bound and her powers repressed. She still has quite a few, and there are far too many to list here.

Lovette Drascul-Angelic: Born Angel of Creation, Death, and Mercy

Book Appearances:

  • An Angel's Advent
  • The Stained Angel


   Triplet sister of Beryx Drascul and Ephraim Highest, once charge of Max Áiféiseach. She often goes by the name Lysandra Angyl so that her family and her enemies don't come looking for her. Her powers are extensive, and she is known as a Chthonian, a Fœmoræ or “God” Killer. She also spent many years after her soulmate’s death in her shyfted, horse form a pure black shire mare that her brother rode into battle. After their half-brother, Ephraim had Beryx imprisoned, Lovette changed form and went after her bastard brother. She is the part time roomie of Leighla and Miseria.


 She is smart, cunning, and vivacious. Slightly jaded, sarcastic, and a genius when it comes to planning and finding loopholes in the law.


Pronunciation: Love-ette

Alias: Lysandra (Lie-sand-ra) Angyl, Vette (Vet), Lovey.

Race: Chthonyan (A Specific type of Born Angel, which I have yet to explore)

Age: (classified)

Height: 6’2”, 188 cm

Weapon of Choice: Powers or a gun.

Mode of Transportation: Motorcycle or teleporation

Favorite Pastime: Kicking ass and taking names, also, making people second guess themselves.

Job: Guardian of Justice, Vigilante, and “Wrangler”

Parents: Daniella & Remiel Drascul

Siblings: Ephraim Highest, Beryx Dracul, and 6 other brothers...

Favorite Person: Cayleigh DeCurtis or Samia Chateau

Least Favorite Person: Vretil Angelic

Soulmate: Garrett Angelic (dead and raised)

Children: (in The Stained Angel: still cooking)

Pet Peeve: When I’m interrupted or told not to take the killing blow.

Powers: Mentakinesis, Omnikinesis, The Shyfted, Teleportation, Manifestation… there’s very little I can’t do.

Lucifer Angelic: Angel of Light, Knowledge, & Truth

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory


   Fallen Angel of Music. Forget everything you think you may know about the Devil, because you know nothing. Lucifer is a savvy businessmen, a politician, and a lover. He is often mislead by his siblings especially the corrupt ones. After his fall, he was tasked by the Maker to rule over the Preternaturals on Earth, punishing all who break the law.

     He realized that he could not do this alone and set to work gathering a group of Angels and Born Angels to help him. Around the time of Babylon, he established the Council of Fire and they ruled until the Council of Spirit took over between the Roman and Greek Empires.

     Fast forward to modern times, he founded the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency to help him police Preters worldwide. He has had many lovers over the millennia he has been on Earth, but none were stronger than Lilith and Anna. 


   Shrewd, sly, generally trying to do the right thing, but always manages to muddle it up whether from misinformation or naivety. He is quick to anger and once you get on his bad side there is no going back. He doesn't make enemies, he buries them.


Pronunciation: Loo-sif-er

Alias: Ashton Angelic, Mephistopheles (Mef-i-st-off-uh-lees), Devil, Demon King

Race: Demokæ

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 5'11", 180.5 cm

Weapon of Choice: his broad sword which once belonged to Molech or his power.

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation or one of his vintage sports cars.

Favorite Pastime: Drinking, Playing Guitar & singing at his club.

Job: Entrepreneur, Council Member, Director.

Favorite Person: Lilith or Anna

Least Favorite Person: Anyone who tries to undermine his authority and hurt his family.

Loves: Lilith and Anna

Children: He has very many children. The current total is Twelve.

Pet Peeve: When his plans go awry, or someone does the unpredictable.

Powers: It's easier to list the ones he doesn't have... 

Macha: Heir of Fate

Book Appearances:

  • Cry Havoc


    The middle daughter of Ronnie and her soulmate Bríon. One of the three Fates of the Sídhe Courts. She prophecies of good things like births, weddings, coupling, good fortune, ect but is blinded to evil, pain, and war. It’s not really known what Macha does. She is the Born Angel of Fate, Love, and Dreams.


    Outwardly outgoing and vivacious. She wants to be friends with everyone. If you refuse or are standoffish she will find out how to befriend you and not stop until she does. She is a closet introvert and would rather be one on one with you than in a party setting where there are too many people.


Pronunciation: Mock-uh

Alias: Kassidy (Cass-eh-dee)

Race: Born Angel

Age: nearly 7.7k years old

Height: 6’3”, 191 cm

Weapon of Choice: Kindness

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation, Mercedes

Favorite Pastime: Reading, being with her children, gaming

Job: Mother, homemaker, Social Media Manager.

Parents: Aeronwen & Bríon

Siblings: Morrígan (deceased), Daya, Hali, Glonn, Gnim, Coscar, Erui, Banba, Fodla, Ollom, and Merlin

Favorite Person: Feadhna/Tristan

Least Favorite Person: None

Soulmate: Feadhna

Children: I had a son and have seven girls.

Pet Peeve: When someone refuses my friendship

Powers: compulsion, Omnikinesis, gift of fate, Kreshb'akta Kongta, teleportation, telepathy, pathokinesis, biokinesis, Anocatacona, and more.

Max Áiféiseach

Book Appearances:

  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory


    Max hasn't had the greatest of lives, and he's been around for a lot longer than anyone, except the Angels who were known as the Tuatha De Danann, realize. He loves kids and cares deeply for those in his care. Do not cross Mayhem. Yes, that is the name that the Underworld has given him. If you stick around long enough, you may learn more about him. You'll just have to wait and read the books.


    Max is a Chaotic Neutral (though he'd say Chaotic Violent). Doing things that suit his current drive and motivation. He's not evil, but the potential is there in his sarcastic remarks and hulking muscle. He cares deeply for those in his care, do not cross him.


Pronunciation: Max Áiféiseach (Ah-fer-sure)

Alias: Mayhem, Maolanaithe (Mah-lo-nay-th), Mad Max, Mairtin  O'Connor

Race: (Classified)

Age: 7k+ years old

Height: 6'8", 203 cm

Weapon of Choice: Twin Smith and Wesson M500s

Mode of Transportation: Revenge (1965 Pontiac GTO Heavy Modified) or Nighthawk (Murdered out Harley V-Rod)

Favorite Pastime: Modifying Cars, Video games

Job: Assassin, Heavy Hitter, and "negotiator."

Parents: *redacted*

Siblings: *Also Redacted*

Favorite Person: "You can have those?" (Midge) 

Least Favorite Person: "Don't have one of those either."

Love: It's complicated.

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: Being interrupted

Powers: "I have enough to have kept me alive for this long."

Merida Angelic:

Book Appearances:

  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls
  • The Stained Angel


   Daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, Twin sister of Tatiana. The older of the twins, but not the heir of her mother's line. She has all the beauty of her mother mixed with the cunning and deviousness of her father. She is the shortest of her siblings and the feistiest. She will throw hands, she will pout, and no matter what advice you try to give her she will do what she wants to do how she wants to do it. She is a fiery redhead. In high school, she was an avid skateboarder and could’ve gone professional, but decided that would take the fun out of it.

   In Kalista Book four, she is said to be attending college, though Beryx doesn’t know what for exactly. She’s going for a Business and Marketing degree while working at her father’s club the Rotting Corpse.


   Merida is stubborn, a bit arrogant, fiery, and feisty. She refuses to be a doormat like her mother and has her own way of doing things. Her father tries to deter this, but it does not end well.


Alias: none

Race: Angelian

Age/dob: October 30 323 BC,

Height: 5’2” (157.5 cm)

Weapon of Choice: Sarcasm

Mode of Transportation: her skateboard.

Favorite Pastime: skateboarding, book balancing

Job: Waitress at her Dad’s club, but becomes the Manager.

Parents: Lucifer Angelic and Lilith/Lilian Angelica

Siblings: (Full) Tatiana Angelic, has many half siblings.

Favorite Person: Tatiana

Least Favorite Person: Also Tatiana

Love: *redacted*

Children: -

Pet Peeve: When dad catches me doing something he told me not to.

Powers: She has many powers, among them are Pathokinesis, Seduction, Eloquence, Telekinesis, and Manifestation. She does not have teleportation.

Michael: Angel of Judgement, Protection, & War 

Book appearances:

  • The Stained Angel
  • Cry Havoc


   Leader of the Makers Heavenly Host, and Judge of His Council. He is THE war, you know, of the Four Horseman variety. Despite this, He is charming, charismatic, and Head of the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Branch on the East Coast of the United States. He was once on the Council that oversaw the heads of the Angelic Pantheons, but resigned as he saw the dark path they were going down but was outvoted. His legal name is Michael Angelic.


   Charming, Charismatic, a bit headstrong, but overall willing to listen unless he knows that you're wrong or has heard differently from the Maker. He is a bit naïve at times and quite blunt.


Pronunciation: "Do you really need it?"

Nicknames: Mike, Big Shot, Judgy, Mister Smug, War. 

Race: Arch Angel

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 6'3", 190 cm

Weapon of Choice: ~

Mode of Transportation: ~

Favorite Pastime: ~

Job: Director of the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency (Eastern US Branch)

Favorite Person: Lisa Lamont

Least Favorite Person: Anyone who wars for no reason

Soulmate: "Not talking about it"

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: Serial killers, Rapists, warmongers, and heretics who claim they're in the right. Also Getting mistaken for Gabriel.

Powers: Prosokinesis, Telekinesis, Manifestation, Omnilinqualism, Pyrokinesis, Teleportation, Compulsion, Biokinesis, Cruciatus, Empath.

Michael Spiriter

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls
  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel


   The Eldest son of Makuta and Bernita Spiriter. Michael is passionate, loyal, and always plays a little close to the proverbial line in the sand. He hates his grandfather, the Underworld, and most times the Council of Spirit as they tend to align with them, which is why he and Beryx formed the Guardians of Justice to stop them from continually overstepping.


    Passionate and loyal to a fault, caring yet a bit headstrong, and overzealous when it comes to the people he cares about. He wants to protect those he cares about but knows he's doomed to fail.


Pronunciation: Mike-L

Alias: Michael Stryker

Race: Angekæ

DOB: August 9th, 327 BC

Height: (first Appearance) 5'11, 180cm

Weapon of Choice: his hands, or claws...

Mode of Transportation: Car

Favorite Pastime: Thinking about the future

Parents: Makuta & Bernita Spiriter (Serenity)

Siblings: Flying-Freedom, Morgana, Resee, Peter, Kyle, Tim, Luke, Victor, & Erica.

Job: Student/Junior Agent

Favorite Person: Kalista Angelic

Least Favorite Person: My Grandfather, Vretil Angelic

Love: (Redacted)

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When the Council oversteps their bounds.

Powers: Pathokinesis, Empathy, Shyfting, Prosokinesis.

Miseria Mortem: Heir of Death, Sorrow, & Pain

Book Appearances:

  • A Broken Redeemer
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel


    Middle Daughter of Isabella and Arawn Celt. Missy doesn't do people, not after she lost her love and his parents. She would rather spend hours on end locked in the cabin with her computer and her gaming systems than go outside for anything but the essentials which she sometimes pays extra to have delivered.

    She is a well-known editor, Social media model, and author. She is world renowned, but refuses to do book tours because, duh, people. She does webinars, web conferences, and video calls all over the world. She is also the chief Medical Examiner for the south east branch of the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency as she has a strange affinity with death. Call her and she's likely to rain on your parade, literally as she also has Metekinesis.


    Introverted to an extreme. She does not like people, but not for the reasons you'd think. Traumatrized, closed off, and she has a don't ask don't tell policy.


Pronunciation: Miz-er-ee-uh Mort-um

Alias: Miseria Bás (Baas), Miseria Celt (Kelt), 

Race: Grim/Born Angel of Death

Age: 6k+ years old.

Height: 5'8", 173cm

Weapon of Choice: I don't fight... (if she had to she would use her powers)

Mode of Transportation: Agency Issue Car or teleportation

Favorite Pastime: Walking in the rain/snow. The only time she goes outside is when it's cloudy.

Parents: Arawn & Isabella Celt

Siblings: too many to list

Job: Writer, Editor, MMO Gamer, Game Designer, Coroner (and resident Techy) PMCA-E

Favorite Person: Leighla Tenebrae (she tolerates Lovette)

Least Favorite Person: All people...

Love: she has had one love and he was murdered.

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When people ask if I'm ok, this is just my resting face.


Telepathy, technopathy, Pathokinesis, Temprakinesis, Metekinesis, Shadow Shyfter, Cruciatus, Anocatacona, The Gift of Fate, Clairvoyance related to death, Empath, Facerekinesis

Nemain: Heir of War

Book Appearances:

  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare


     The youngest daughter of Ronnie and her soulmate Bríon. One of the three Fates of the Sídhe Courts. She prophecies of War. She is a lawyer on retainer for the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agencies Southern US Branch, and she’s a damned good one. She is the Born Angel of Fate, War, and Death.


    Mothering, sarcastic, loving, and kind though she has been taken advantage of one too many times so she is often times seen as aloof, stuck up, and snobbish, but around her people she is quite the opposite.


Pronunciation: Nuh-main, Hah-lee-muh.

Alias: Halima Bhanríon (prefers the Hali).

Race: Born Angel/Fate

Age: 7.7k years ago it was autumn in Ireland… That’s all Mom will say.

Height: 6’3”, 191 cm

Weapon of Choice: I prefer Words to weapons of steel or power.

Mode of Transportation: Vintage Silver 1955 Mercedes 300 SL with red interior.

Favorite Pastime: Hanging around The Blue Diamond

Parents: Aeronwen and Bríon

Siblings: Macha, Badb, & 8 brothers. 

Job: Lawyer

Favorite Person: Odin, he’s never done me wrong.

Least Favorite Person: Raymond Thibodeaux

Love: I have a few

Children: none, not for lack of trying…

Pet Peeve: When someone tries to manipulate me for their own gain.

Powers: Omnikinesis, the Shyfting, teleportation, telekinesis, Curse of Confession, need I go on?

Odin: Angel of death, Fate, & War

Book Appearances: 

  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare


    Leader of the Norse Pantheon of Angels, Odin is one Angel you do NOT want to get on the bad side of… or the good side of, depending on if you like his company. Odin speaks mostly in third person, simply to piss people off and get them to leave him alone or frustrate them. He likes to start fights, wars, and they often lead to drunken orgies afterwards. He is the creator and King of the Valkyrie. In modern times, he can be found driving truck or riding his Electra Glide around the United States looking for his wife, Frigga. Some of the stories from Mythology are true some are not, he won’t tell you which is which.


   Surly unless the mead has been flowing, Odin is contrary unless he has a woman in his lap or on his arm.


Pronunciation: *glare*

Alias: Too many to mention

Race: Angeles

Age: Who’s asking…

Height: 7’2”, 219 cm

Weapon of Choice: Gungnir (gung-near), his spear or his lightning

Mode of Transportation: 1966 Electra Glide

Favorite Pastime: Drinking, Starting Wars, Freya…

Job: Truck Driver

Favorite Person: Saga

Least Favorite Person: Himself

Soulmate: Freya

Children: Not enough time to list them all

Pet Peeve: “Everything annoys Báleygr (Ball-ey-gear) eventually.”

Powers: “Why should Asagrim(ass-a-grim) tell you?”

Órbhuí: Corrupt Angel of Life, Knowledge, & Pleasure

Book Appearances:

  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls
  • The Stained Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory


    She started life on earth on her own terms. She had the devil eating out of the palm of her hand, quite literally. She is rumored to be the reason he fell and when he became depressed (after damning the human race), she left him and went to Ireland. There she became Órbhuí the reason the Tuatha are known as the "Golden" or shinning Throng.
    She was known for wild orgies, seducing anything on two legs, and enjoying everything the World has to offer. The World really was and is her playground. This did not stop when she met her soulmate and got worse after he rejected her and took their unborn child with him using a ritual that an Angel of Fate taught him to punish her. She is one of the original Triumvirate of Evil and some believe its founder. She is a corrupted Angel.


   Seductive, charming, and a sadomasochist, she enjoys using fear and pleasure to control her victims. She


Pronunciation: Or-boo-ee

Alias: Nevari (Nev-are-ee), Iðunn, Salome(suh-low-me), Aurelia (Au-rel-ee-uh)

Race: Fœmoræ (corrupted Angel)

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 5’6”, 167.65 cm

Weapon of Choice: Her powers, her body, her mind

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation, her golden Ferrari

Favorite Pastime: seducing or torturing

Job: Head of the TOE

Favorite Person: Vretil

Least Favorite Person: Rachmiel, though she tries and succeeds at hiding this fact.

Love: Gold

Known Children: Mægrä, Liam  

Pet Peeve: when someone gets in the way of what I want. Give it to me and all the torture stops.

Powers: Mentakinesis, telekinesis, Teleportation, Angelic Speed, Shifting, glamour, Damaged Foresight, Anamorphous, Seduction (Allure), compulsion, and more.

Puriel: Angel of Justice, Judgement, & Truth

Books appearances:

  • An Angel Ensnared
  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc
  • Chaos Theory


    Puriel is first and foremost the Maker's Judge. If you've crossed the law and the Maker gives him the green light, you will die and it will not be pretty. He is also a private investigator for hire and a part time bouncer for "The Cryptic Dance: Club and Restaurant." He doesn't work for the Preternatural and Mythical Creatures Agency unless asked by the right person, and his favorite go to relaxation is video games and a cup of tea, that may or may not be spiked with good ol' Mead.

    He takes every interaction seriously and everyone that comes through his door is treated exactly the same: with respect, dignity, and kindness... Unless he can see their heart is corrupt and then karma is what you shall receive. He started his Earthbound life as Forseti, Norse God of Justice and Reconciliation helping many an Angel in his thousands of years on ear. He prefers to be called Matt or Fors.


    He is a laid back kinda guy. His motto is "Don't ask me. You won't like the answer." He is blunt, cannot tell a lie, and quite honestly would rather stay home and play video games with his cat on his lap instead of dealing with people who cannot handle the truth. He has few friends because he can't tolerate idiots, manipulators, or injustice and will tell you when you are in the wrong.


Pronunciation: Pure-ee-L

Alias: Forseti (For-Set-ee), Matthew (Math-u) Gerechtigkeit (Gher-eck-te-kite), Vindictus

Race: Angeles

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 6'2", 188 cm

Weapon of Choice: Pair of Francisca hand axes, or a flame thrower

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation

Favorite Pastime: Gaming

Job: Private Eye/Bouncer

Favorite Person: Jethro Cryptic

Least Favorite Person: Anyone that uses their influence to pervert law from justice (Lou)

Soulmate: (redacted)

Children: N/A

Pet Peeve: Being bumped into or jostled, especially if drinks are involved

Powers:  Prosokinesis, Teleportation, Angelic Speed, Reveal, Telepathy, Pyrokinesis, Foresight.

Rachmiel: Corrupt Angel of Empathy, Knowledge, & Pleasure.

Book Appearances: 

  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls
  • Discord's Nightmare
  • Cry Havoc


    Not much is known about Rachmiel other than that he started out his earthly life as Surtr of the Norse Pantheon and was kicked out of it by Odin. He sought refuge among other Pantheon’s but was soon cast out of all as Odin made it a point to tell others why he was cast out. He was the Angel of Empathy, Knowledge, and Pleasure. He was originally supposed to heal people through dreams, but found emotions too easy to manipulate. He is the Corrupted Angel of Apathy, Deception, and Pain now.


   Sly, sleazy, and scheming, he holds a grudge better than anyone, but he plays the long game.


Pronunciation: Rack-me-L

Alias: Rachmiel, Shki (Shh-key), Surtr (Sir-tur), Lugh (Loo)

Race: Fœmoræ

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 6’3”, 191 cm

Weapon of Choice: His mind

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation, exclusively

Favorite Pastime: Playing with the lives of those who have wronged me.

Job: “Outcome Engineer”

Favorite Person: “I don’t have favorites, only pawns”

Least Favorite Person: “There are too many to choose just one.”

Soulmate: NA

Children: A few

Pet Peeve: When someone acts irregularly and forces me to adjust my plans.

Powers: Shyfting, teleportation, telekinesis, metakinesis, mentakinesis, realm walking, Somnikinesis, cryokinesis, pyrokinesis, Cruciatus, pathokinesis, empath.

Raphael: Fallen Angel of Healing, Peace, & Sorrow

Book Appearances: 

  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel
  • Discord's Nightmare


    An angel that fell after the Heavenly War. Rafael was sent on a mission by the Maker but was distracted and fell. He refuses to talk of it. He started the first wholly preternaturally staffed Gentleman’s Club in the hidden city, and in Europe (yes, at the same time). He was quickly contacted by Vretil and Lucifer as he was in a unique position, though they are the only two who know that he is in fact the manager and owner of said clubs.

    They caught him in a moment of desperation and he did things that he never would for reasons he refuses to explain. Those in his triumvirates will tell you the he is slowly losing his sanity because of this balance he is trying to keep. His aura that was once peaceful and comforting was tainted by the darkness and is now unsettling. He was never a part of a pantheon, and he shut out his triumvirates after one of his thirds questioned his motives. He always wears white.


    He is the classic Chaotic Neutral, he does what he wants, when he wants, and only for what seems like his own selfish gain.


Pronunciation: Raf-Iy-L

Alias: Roland (row-land) Nichols (Nickels) (club owner)

Race: Demokæ

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 6’2”, 188 cm

Weapon of Choice: Misinformation, Secrets

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation

Favorite Pastime: Watching her dance, or kill.

Job: Manager and Owner of the Fallen Angels Gentleman’s Club, Drug Dealer, Informant, and Double Agent.

Favorite Person: her…

Least Favorite Person: Myself

Soulmate: *silent stare*

Children: NA

Pet Peeve: When Anyone questions my motivations or tries to interrogate me.

Powers: Persuasion, Compulsion, Glamour, pathokinesis, Empathy, teleportation, a lesser mentakinesis, & metakinesis…


Book Appearances:

  • The Stained Angel
  • The Haunted Angel


The pet of Forseti. Yes, she does get a bio because she is important and you will learn more about this as you read the Created Angel Chronicles, that is all I will say on the subject. Forseti took her in fifteen years before the Haunted Angel. He doesn't "own" her. He simply gives her a place to sleep and food, she does what she wants.


Standoffish, suspicious, and the only people she trusts or at least puts up with are Forseti, Jael, Kort, Leighla, and Miseria.


Pronunciation: Rave-in

Alias: Raven (which is what Leighla calls her)

Race: Unknown

Age: Unknown 

Size: she's large for a cat... He thinks she's part Maine Coon

Weapon of Choice: Claws

Mode of Transportation: walking

Favorite Pastime: Cuddling with Fors while he games, hunting

Favorite Person: Forseti or Jael

Pet Peeve: When Someone stares at me or hurts Fors.

Powers: Unknown

Remiel Drascul: (Fallen) Angel of Empathy, Mercy, & Woe

Book Appearances: 

  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • The Stained Angel


   Remiel is a free spirit. He backpacks around the world and helps those who need it most. He takes odd jobs and usually helps with natural disaster relief efforts. He helped rebuild New Orleans after Katrina, and New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. He's a good Angel, who just made one bad decision.

    His entire life has been impacted by that decision and he feels that he can never make up for what he has done. Everything he has, he has been given by others as he never takes payment for anything he does and if he does get paid, he turns around and gives it to someone else.


    Haunted, compassionate, and selfless to a fault. He is easily swayed by those in need and is one of the poorest Angels in the world, but he will tell you that he is rich in other ways.


Pronunciation: Rem-ee-L

Nicknames: Remi

Race: Arch Angel

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 6'5", 195.6 cm

Weapon of Choice: Two Swords that are charged with his kinetic energy

Mode of Transportation: (Classified)

Favorite Pastime: Helping Others

Job: Charity Worker

Favorite Person: Samuel or Raquel

Worst Enemy: Disaster ("but Vretil is like the same thing") 

Soulmate: Daniella Drascul

Children: Beryx, Lovette, Lycan, Phobos, Jester, Rueben, Gabriel, Vincent, and David.

Pet Peeve: "When my Corrupted brothers ask for help or come find me."

Powers: Telekinesis, telepathy, technopathy, teleportation (via doorways), shifting.

Tatiana Angelic: Born Angel of 

Book Appearances: 

  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls


   Daughter of Lucifer and Lilith, Twin sister of Tatiana. The older of the twins, but not the heir of her mother's line. Tatiana has her mother’s gently seductive personality and her father’s eyes. She has the voice of an Angel but refuses to do more than play her songs for preter tube, at her father or Uncle Jethro’s clubs, and private gatherings. She is also a photographer and flies all over the world doing photoshoots, including some for Miseria Mortem. She never defies her father until she meets the love of her life. He shows her that being a bit reckless and living outside the lines is better than following the rules all the time.


   Tatiana is introverted, shy, and only really opens up around people those won't tell her parents if she says something strange or talks about her powers.


Nicknames: Tiana, Tia, Tati.

Race: Born Angel, Angelic Heir

Age/dob: October 30, 323 BC

Height: 5’6.3” (168.4 cm)

Weapon of Choice: *crickets*

Mode of Transportation: Maximized Hearse.

Favorite Pastime: Skateboarding, Reading, photography, Social Media.

Job: Singer/Songwriter and Photographer

Parents: Lucifer & Lilith
Siblings: Merida & Kalista, plus a few others.  

Favorite Person: Merida… or if I’m mad at her, Kalista

Least Favorite Person: Myself.

Love: *zips lips*

Children: N/A

Pet Peeve: When I feel guilty for finding loopholes in the rules or outright breaking them.

Powers: Teleportation, regeneration, Healing, Alure, Shyfting, gift of fate and all the powers her mother *should* have had.

Vretil: Corrupt Angel of Light, Knowledge, & Truth

Book Appearances:

  • A Born Angel
  • A Brave Sacrifice
  • A Broken Redeemer
  • An Angel's Advent
  • An Angel Ensnared
  • An Angel Falls
  • The Stained Angel


    Demon of a thousand pasts, and sadomasochist. He is a trickster, a showman, and one third of the original Triumvirate of Evil. He goes by many names and has done many horrible acts in the name of "right." Since he is corrupted he is no longer an Angel of Light, Truth, and Knowledge but one of Darkness, Deciet, and Lies. He is known to keep a Harem and is in charge of the Underworld, the Preternatural Mafia for lack of a better term.


   sinister, tricky, sleazy, and quite charismatic, or that's what he'll make you think, he is a Chaotic Evil, doing shit just for his own goals and his overall plan. he claims to have a "Set of Morals" but they're more like guidelines and reminders of what would tip the scales out of his favor.


Pronunciation: Vret-L,

Alias: Uriel (Ur-ee-L), Master, Eh Dagas (Dog-aus), Nuriel (Nur-ee-L) of Athens.

Race: Fœmoræ

Age: Beyond Time

Height: 6'4", 193 cm

Weapon of Choice: Your own mind

Mode of Transportation: Teleportation, wings

Favorite Pastime: Playing with others lives, Sex

Job: Head of the Underworld...

Favorite Person: Aurelia/Nevari

Known Enemy: Lucifer Angelic, and all who side with him.

Soulmate/Love: "I always have a handful at any given time"

Children: 2 known: Aimee Angeles, Makuta Spiriter

Pet Peeve: When Fate, Karma, and The Maker ruin my plans

Powers: Mentakinesis, Omnikinesis, Teleportation, Telepathy, Technopathy, etc.