This week...
RIP Poppi, big feelings, bigger edits, and some huge steps in this Self Published Author's life! You won't want to skip reading this weeks updates!

~ for the Author ~
So much happened this week, today I’ll meet with Maxine for the first time In the flesh! She's the creative talent behind Cotton Kat Designs, and the one who makes the tumblers, mugs, and so on. She is also one of my editors.
My Manager Matt’s cat, Poppi died yesterday. He and his wife, who are an integral part in my business and books, are grieving time, and I have shed more than a few tears for the Popple-lopelos, who made it a point to come and purr into the mic or rubble it every single day while I was talking to Matt. She will be greatly missed.
RIP Poppi ~ I shall miss your purrs and your head rubbles.
Also, my first book, A Born Angel is going to be read by a book club! (0.0) I’m genuinely shocked and also really excited, but that led me to s day of frantic edits, because…
~ Writing And Editing ~
I knew that A Born Angel had some issues. Up until Discord’s Nightmare, I didn’t realize just HOW MANY there were. Between the dialogue punctuation, the missing or omitted italics, and a couple wrong words, there were over a HUNDRED changes that were made. Very small ones from the Second to the Third edition, but still issues that needed to be addressed and were. But, this also means that I have to republish it. (^_^;) That being said, as soon as possible with the loss of Poppy, we will be getting the ePub up as Matt is my ePub formatter.
I’ve added over 5k words to the Christmas Special (yet to be named) should’ve done more, but the last two days have been rough with migraines from whether change, energy with emotional upsets, body upsets, and editing A Born Angel out of the blue, BUT! I have now finished fixing the dialogue punctation of Discord’s Nightmare, which is also with Matt, who is the very last editor before we format it for posting in exactly 4 weeks! (O_o) which means it has to be finished in at most 2 weeks (o_O)
~ Publishing ~
The Discord’s Nightmare Book Box Kickstarter is off to a great start, it has met the first stretch goal ($800)! Which means the Stained Angel is now FREE if you back the Kickstarter.
If you want to know more about how Kickstarter works, check this blog. If the Kickstarter reaches $1100, I’ll be posting the eBook of The Haunted Angel to anyone who “backs” the project (aka gets a book/book box). Oh, and Matt also has A Broken Redeemer (the October release). ^_^;
~ Now for the Art! ~
This picture is one that I made after working on Tumblers as gifts for my parents. My mom asked for Leighla and my dad chose Puriel, without knowing what Mom had chosen. At the recommendation of Matt (Yes, he helps with art a lot too), I made it so their tumblers, when put together, will look as if the characters are standing back-to-back. So, I decided to do the full image. Leighla is the main character of Stained Angel and Puriel is the main character of the sequel, the Haunted Angel.

Reminder: If you want more details and prices, head on over to the Kickstarter page by clicking the icon to the left.
Also, I will reading Discord’s Nightmare on TikTok live tonight at 9 pm EST. I will be reading at least chapters 6-7. I’m hoping to also read 8-9, but we’ll see how much stamina I have after driving 4.5 hours, dealing with traffic, and other such things on a holiday weekend. (click the icon)
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
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