The word for this week is Vacation! It’s been a fun and exciting week with new experiences and not a lot of work. PLUS, Cry Havoc came out on Tuesday!

Author's Life:
Vacation has been so relaxing! I’ve been trying to enjoy it and not think about what work, books, and/or other things I need to be working on. On Monday night, five minutes before midnight, we started our trip down to North Carolina. Driving at night is great for traffic, but not so great for the view. Though we did get to see sunrise over the Blueridge mountains of West Virginia, which was absolutely gorgeous.
We spent 1.5 days in North Carolina with family and my Great Aunt took my Nana and I out to Mad Splatter, where we got to paint some pottery. I chose to do a mug and paint some Born Angel Universe things on it. My Nana painted something for one of my cousin’s and my Great Aunt chose something for my Papa. It was so fun!
I also go to go to a Japanese (Teppanyaki) steakhouse for the first time. It was so fun, and I loved it. Then we headed down toward Florida. We got halfway there and stopped for the night in Savannah, GA. After sleeping, we went to waffle house for breakfast then we started down the coast then across to our final destination. We were a bit worried that we would have to drive down in a bought of rain, but after about 11 the rain cleared and we were fine. It has been a great trip, so far, and I've had great fun with my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin (and Nana) now that we're here. Though, we're heading back tomorrow 🥺 Next time, it'll be by plane not car.
Writing & Editing:
My Dad is still editing An Angel Ensnared (that I know of). I also have Chaos Theory to edit a bit of, if I wanted. Though I’ve been working on another story that I started in 2017 that came back into my brain.
I’ve not done any writing in Deadly Sirens this week, due to being on vacation. I’ll be right back at it on Tuesday or Wednesday when we’re back home, but for now, I’m trying to be present and relax while on vacation. While I've been on vacation I've been editing Ice Queen and Fire King while listening to it (more about that book in the "Currently Reading" section.
Cry Havoc is now officially published! Sadly, there were only 9 preorders via Kindle so I won’t be holding that giveaway that I talked about with the books/shirt. Though, that is 4 higher than I’ve ever had before. Thank you to everyone that ordered, if you have not send me a screenshot, please do so that I can send you the short story and the digital art!
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is the mug that I got to paint at Mad Splatter. It was fun, relaxing, and recharging to sit and paint this for an hour. I know I spelled Theory wrong… Dyslexia got me. But I’m okay with that. (Yes, all of this was done Free hand.)

My current reads:
I'm currently reading just one book, in between all the activities and driving.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas (in print for book club) with this exact cover, which I bought back in 2016 when I first came to FL.

I am listening to my own book, "the Ice Queen & the Fire Queen" via Voice Dream App & Word. I started it back in 2016... and I just decided to set it aside until recently.

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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