HAPPY APRIL! The word for this week is Anticipation, because I’ve been anticipating vacation ever since Sunday, which I've been planning for! In the meantime, I’ve been writing, creating, and posting about the Kindle preorder giveaway! Have you heard about it yet?

Author's Life:
This week started with “Easter Sunday,” and we went over to my Nana’s (dad’s mom) house. I got the updated itinerary for our vacation. I won’t put it here, for privacy reasons, but I’m very excited to road trip with Nana again, and spend a few days with family that live down south!
This week I have been planning, prepping, and getting everything ready to leave. I even tried to pre-record a few videos, but I got too excited and posted them already. 🫣 Oops! I also worked with my dad yesterday, doing some minor electrical work (outlets, switches, and such), for some extra “trip cash.” 😉
Writing & Editing:

My Dad now has a copy of An Angel Ensnared to edit. Bad news, he’s already found 20 little errors in the first 100 pages. 😣 You can Sign-up to ARC and Beta reader this book too! It'll be a lot more polished after he gets through it, and also my author editor (Maxine). I have Chaos Theory packed for the trip, so I can stay focused on Deadly Sirens, which I’m enjoying but also a bit worried about. 😅
Speaking of, The Deadly Sirens book 4 (Created Angel Chronicles, book 6) now has 26,887 words! 🫢 That’s a gain of 12k from last week. I nearly DOUBLED the word count.😳

I had 12 preorders of Cry Havoc and they’ve all made it to their readers! 🎊 That being said, I still have 1 hardcover and 1 paperback in stock. I can no longer say that you’ll get them by release day, but if you preorder from my website, you’ll get the goodies, and you can still get the limited edition T-shirt.
I also have 2 paperback copies of the 2nd Edition of the Stained Angel and a Hardcover copy available along with a few copies of Haunted Angel, and a copy of Discord’s Nightmare. So, you could technically get the paperback set of 4 and I'll send it after I get back from my vacation!
Special Announcement: Giveaway
I am giving away a short story (the Judge Over the Angels)-->, the first 10 chapters, and digital art to anyone who preorders CRY HAVOC before Tuesday, April 9th! All you have to do is preorder and sent me a snapshot via socials, or my email (bornangelauthor@gmail.com).
There are currently 5 preorders! If 15 more people preorder in the next 2.5 days, I will run another giveaway. Two Lucky people that preordered (and follow the directions to get the extra story and art) will get their choice of a signed book along with preorder goodies, OR the Cry Havoc limited edition T-Shirt. (THIS IS OPEN INTERNATIONALLY)
The short story, “The Judge Over the Angels” Features Havoc and her hounds, the Cú Sídhe, before they were cursed! It also explains how she got her Death Curse that causes anyone who touches her to keel over.
This was something I wrote for fun, and because I needed that bit of backstory for reference. So, if you like snippets, short stories, and digital art (not AI generated), go preorder the Kindle version of Cry Havoc on Amazon! And don’t forget to send me proof!

Art Feature:
This picture was something I did this week, not related to Cry Havoc or the Born Angel Universe at all, but for one of my very best friends, who is also one of my editors. This is her character for a TTRPG game that she’s going to be starting on Monday. I can’t wait to hear about it!

My current reads:
I'm currently reading more than one book... 😱 It's hard to find the time, but they're mostly on different devices, so that's why I can do multiple at once:
A Kingdom of Dreams (Viking Bloodlines Saga, Book 1) by Sam North (via ibooks)
One More Time by Nik Robbins (via kindle)
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas (in print for book club) this exact cover, it's why I bought the book back in 2016

I am listening my way back through the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher read by James Marsters. I have made it to my favorite one! book 14: Cold Days. Harry is back, and he's the Winter Knight! 😱
Also, listening back through my WIP (via Voice Dream App), one that I haven't finished that was started back in 2016... titled: "The Ice Queen & The Fire Queen" This was the temporary cover on Wattpad too.

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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