The word for this week is Infection… Because I have either a viral infection or an upper respiratory/sinus infection, which I caught while on Vacation last week. Needless to say, I’ve not gotten any work done as I’ve been resting, but here are some updates…

Author's Life:
The last three days of Vacation (Sat, Sun, Monday) were amazing. From going to our favorite used bookstore in Florida, and getting 2 bags of books for only 11.50 USD, then having time with family eating great food and watching the sun set on the gulf of Mexico on Saturday to the uneventful, for the most part, trip home Sun/Mon. The trip was amazing and one that I will never forget.
Tuesday, however, I came down with the same sickness that my Florida family had/contracted while we were down there visiting. The Floridian docs said it was a Sinus/upper respiratory infection, my local Urgent Care doctors say it’s just “Viral”, but I trust the ones down in Florida more, and will be seeing my primary doc this coming week. I have been resting, reading, and playing Bio Shock while blowing my nose and coughing so much that I feel that I’m hacking up a lung… Phlegm is gross… that’s all I’m going to say.
Writing & Editing:
My Dad has finished editing An Angel Ensnared and I SHOULD BE looking them over, but with this sickness I have NO BRAIN. I took Chaos Theory with me to edit on vacation but did not have any down time to do so.
I’ve not done any writing in Deadly Sirens this week, due to being sick also. >_< The sickness is awful. I can’t think, can’t breathe through my nose, and doing anything that requires me to be physically active, or mentally “with it,” is completely off the table.
Right now, there’s nothing to see here as my editor has An Angel Ensnared, I have to add in my dad’s edits, and the Cover Reveal is set for June 21st! Don't forget to sign up for Beta or Arc Reading, or read books 1-4 of the Kalista Chronicles if you'd like to beta/Arc Read!
Don't forget CRY HAVOC is also available to purchase everywhere!
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is a picture of the sunset over the Gulf, because I have not done art either. I don’t even have the brain or stamina for that. >_< (Picture taken with my iPhone 13-unedited)

My current reads:
I'm currently reading
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas (in print for book club) this exact cover, is why I bought the book back in 2016. Reading over this book has made me remember why I love this series so much. I may just start reading book 2 after I finish it. I'm on page 308 in the paperback, which is Chapter 41, and less than 100 pages left!

I am listening my way back through the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher read by James Marsters. I have made it to my favorite one! book 14: Cold Days. Harry is back, and he's the Winter Knight! 😱

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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