The word for this week is Recovery… Because I have just finished my round of antibiotics and I am feeling better. I’ve actually been productive! Read about all that’s gone on and exciting things below!

Author's Life:
I’m finally feeling better! I got antibiotics on Monday, and took the last of them yesterday. Hopefully, I will continue to improve, because I’m still not feeling 100%. I’m functioning at about 85-90% right now, but getting better every day! All I did this week was stay home, rest, and get some fresh air by taking Bella, the pupper, on a short 1 block walk T-F-S. It was much needed and I believe the fresh air helped a lot.
Writing & Editing:
I have finished inputting Dad’s edits of An Angel Ensnared, nothing horrible just words forgotten, words that should’ve been deleted but weren’t and in one case I wrote night impossible instead of nigh impossible. I have also edited 6 chapters of Chaos Theory (Created Angel Chronicles, book 5)!
I’ve done some writing in Deadly Sirens, but I also, in my brain fog, started a brand new story, because I didn’t want to mess anything up in the current stories ^_^; The main character of said book is the art feature for this week too, her name is Mz Nue. I wrote nearly 10k words in her story, but have since put it aside to focus on the books that NEED to be worked on.
There’s not much to talk about here as my editor, Maxine has An Angel Ensnared, plus CRY HAVOC just came out two weeks ago, BUT…
If you’ve read the first four books of the Kalista Chronicles, have a few weeks in June/July free (June 21st-July 26th), and are interested in Beta Reading book 5: An Angel Ensnared, please head on over to the Beta Reader information page and carefully read that over before signing up. I only have 7 Beta readers right now, plus my editors who are going to go over it a second time, so I need a few more eyes on it.
If you have not read the first four books, but want to beta read, and think you might be able to read them by June 21st, send me a direct message on any of my social media (listed below) or send me an email at with the subject line “Beta Reading An Angel Ensnared” and we can work on getting you the first four books.
Art Feature:
This week’s art feature is, as stated before, a picture (or two pictures really) of my newest character, Mz. Nue (pronounced Mizz New). She is a Dragon Shyfter of legend and lore, the daughter of an Angel of War, Vengeance, and Justice, and an introvert. She usually stays in one of the realms of Valkarah that her mother oversees in her cavernous library. Yes, she hoards books. 😉

My current reads:
I'm currently reading through and editing Chaos Theory, and that's the only book I'm reading as I'm still not functioning at 100% so I don't have a enough brain to do more than one book at a time.

I am listening my way back through the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher read by James Marsters. I have made it to book 15: SKin Games. Harry is teaming up with the Nickle heads on Queen Mab's orders!! 😱

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

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