There are 110 days left until Halloween, and the release of An Angel Ensnared! π± which means I’ve got a lot of decisions to make, ordering a ton of things, etc. I’m also still working on getting the everything finalized for the new covers of the books, and working on short story projects for a couple anthologies, plus I’ve had some health issues again. π£ read more below!

Author's Life:
This week… Has been a lot. I was supposed to have another author interview last night, but I’ve had such a bad week, plus health issues have tackled me again. This time, the pain in my side is back and even worse than before. It got this bad the winter of 2021, which was why I had my gallbladder out in July of 2022, but it’s back. This means more testing. Whoopie *sarcasm* I had blood drawn yesterday and will have an ultrasound of the area on Thursday, then we’ll go on from there.
Writing & Editing:
I’ve been working on reorganizing chapters for Discord’s Nightmare now, because I opened it to quickly fix one thing, and realized that the chapters were also very short >_< I will also be checking a Broken Redeemer, just in case, but I think that’s when I started making the chapters longer.
I did write 3,986 words in An Angel Falls before checking Discord’s Nightmare as well as starting another anthology piece! Wait, have I announced that yet? I don't think so. Whoops! I’m going to be in an anthology, full Announcement after the publishing section.
With the Editors:
Maxine still has Chunk 4 of An Angel Ensnared!
Dee is now reading through The Stained Angel, which I didn’t have anyone do before publishing the 2nd Edition back in March π£ I feel like I’m going to regret that.
Matt has A Brave Sacrifice with Dee’s changes/suggestions. so we can have a better copy before the 24th!
Beta’s now have the last chunk/full book of An Angel Ensnared! At least all but one who is having email issues. >_< We even have the same email provider. It’s annoying. So, of the 11: 3 have finished it completely, 4 of them are up to the last chunk, 2 haven’t read chunk 3 yet, the last 2 are on chunk 1. The one was completely Gmail’s fault, but has gotten chunk one now! The 3 that have finished loved it, though hate the ending. *smirk*
ARC review copy signups are open for this book as well! There is the choice of paperback, eBook, or pdf format. I only have 3 paperbacks left so, sign up today, and don’t forget to check your email and reply with your address if you chose a physical copy!
Thank you for reading this far, here’s another Angel Ensnared tidbit: from Chapter 4:
“Is Jael the same Jael that works with Michael?” I asked as he leaned on the counter.
“The one and only Harbinger of Death,” he said, and I blinked slower. “That’s her call sign at the Agency, most of us just call her Death.”
“I take it she’s an assassin?” I asked, as mom got out the ingredients.
“Unofficially. She currently works part time for Lucifer…”
Anthology Announcement!
I am going to be in not 1 but 2 anthologies this year! The first one is called “Where Myths Walk” and will come out September 30th and come down December 31st. 12 self-published authors (including me) have each written a short story about a mythical creature (think Dragons, Leprechauns, demons, etc.). I wrote about one of the Cú Sídhe from Max’s former pack. All proceeds for this book will go to the Wounded Warriors Project, but please do buy the book! Though, I do warn you each short story will contain explicit scenes of a sexual nature. I will provide the link on my socials and in the Newsletter after it is published.
For the second Anthology, all I have right now is that it will be published on December 1st, it will contain 10 (I think) stories of Greek Goddesses and all proceeds go to the Joyful Heart Foundation for victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. I will give you all more details when I know!
Next up for Beta Reading:
If you have read up to Cry Havoc in the Created Angel Chronicles, Beta Reading Signups for Book 5: Chaos Theory (β¬ οΈit has a book page now! Click it!) Open THIS Wednesday, July 17th! Beta Reading will start September 20th, and end on October 18th.
This is 2 weeks before the release of An Angel Ensnared, because I would like it finished before the holidays! WARNING: this book has MAJOR spice (aka steamy/graphic/romantic scenes between two consenting adults)! It's gonna be Spicy, Gory, and a wee bit cheesy! So MARK YOUR CALENDARS or set an alarm for Wednesday, I’ll probably drop the signups in the early morning my time.
Thanks for getting this far! Here’s a Teaser for Chaos Theory chapter 22!
“I know that, but you’ve saved people before,” she (Kotys) said. I thought about the day Discord and I saved Max and the depravity I was subjected to when I returned to the Fortress…
Now Kotys was using it against me. It was the prime example of why I tried not to do such good deeds, or let others find out. Those who found out expected more like it, no matter how much it cost you. No great deed comes without sacrifice or punishment, and I was not about to lose anyone else to the Underworld.
Art Feature:
This week, we have another request from Steph, one of my Beta readers, who wanted to see the outfits Kalista, and Beryx wore on their date in Chapter 19 of An Angel Ensnared. Kalista’s dress was a bit tricky, but I did a bit of it in Post Work/digital painting to get it perfect. The Betas got to see it last night and they loved it. π

I will be releasing all the new covers and the new versions of a few books between now and Wednesday, July 24th. A Born Angel and The Stained Angel are already up on Amazon!
FOR A LIMITED TIME, there is a special, here on my website, where you can get all 8 new covers for 25% off, and you can preorder them! (Special ends August 18th)
Books that are preordered (before the 24th of July) will be shipped after I receive them, which will probably end up being in mid August possibly early September.
As a thank you for ordering from my site, when I send over the tracking number, you’ll receive a 25% off coupon to use on any item in my shop.
Anyone who preorders will be entered into a giveaway to win a Chaos Theory T-shirt:

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:
Mark Your Calendars:
Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5
Beta Reading: June 21-July26
~ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st.
~ ARC Reading: starts September 15th
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
~ Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
~ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st.
~ Beta Reading begins: Friday, September 20th - Friday, October 25th.
~ ARC sign-ups begin: October 1st.
~ ARC Reading: March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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