6 days left of Beta reading Angel Ensnared π±, Beta Sign-ups for Chaos Theory dropped this week, and there are 57 days until preorders open. PLUS 3 books are now up with their new covers and revised insides! 4-6 should be up by Wednesday, leaving only 2 left. π£ I also got results back from testing and it’s not good news…

Author's Life:
This week… Has been hard, but revisions and writing got me through it! Again, I was supposed to have another author interview last night, but there was a death in the family (her family, not mine) so we postponed until next week the 26th.
The Ultrasound on my upper abdomen showed nothing abnormal, so I have descended to the second circle of the “what is this health issue” Hell, and now I have an appointment with the GI specialist on Wednesday. π£ I also talked to my endocrinologist about my TSH levels and they *shocker* went straight to “take more meds” instead of “let’s figure out why they aren’t working.” I countered that and now have an ultrasound appointment for my thyroid to have done.
*sigh* I’m hoping that will show something definitive, but I’m not holding my breath.
Writing & Editing:
I’ve finished Discord's Nightmare revisions and am almost done working on reorganizing chapters of A Broken Redeemer! I have 2 chapters left! Yes, it had to be fixed too. π£ But it’s so close to done! I’ll finish it later tonight, since I took yesterday to relax after talking with doctor’s offices off and on all day.
I did not get any writing done in An Angel Falls… π£ I did however get a few words for the 2nd Anthology, though I’ve also put that on hold so I could focus on the revisions and getting the new covers out.
With the Editors:
Maxine now has the 1st section of Chaos Theory!!!
Dee is now reading through Discord’s Nightmare. She has read Stained Angel and Haunted Angel this week, and they didn’t have too many edits so yay!
Matt has the Haunted Angel with Dee’s edits. So we can have a better copy before the 24th!
6 more days until An Angel Ensnared Beta Reading closes! So, of the 11: 6 have finished it completely, 1 of them is up to the last chunk, 2 are on chunk 3, and the last 1 is on chunk 1. Those that have finished love it, though they hate yet respect the cliffhanger. π
ARC review copy signups for this book are as well! There is the choice of paperback, eBook, or pdf format. I only have 2 paperbacks left! So, sign up today! Don’t forget to check your email and reply with your address if you chose a papreback copy!
Thank you for reading this far, here’s a longer snippet from Angel Ensnared since it’s a longer blog this week. This comes from Chapter 13:
“So, what were you all talking about when Gullinn einn showed up?” Forseti asked, trying to figure out why he was here. I smirked at the moniker that literally meant Golden One. It was fitting seeing as she had golden hair, eyes, skin, and nails, but I also liked when Packshana (grandfather) Jethro called her a bitch too. It was accurate.
“We were discussing *redacted* and the bigger plot behind his mind being wiped,” Packshana Jethro, said then looked down at me. “Though before that we were discussing the Akram’s hold on certain individuals of Lucifer’s household.”
“Eh Akram as in Gullinn’s long-term partner?” Forseti asked, and my eyes widened. All three men looked to me, and I teleported to the chair. I slouched until my head rested on the back of it as my head spun with too much knowledge.
“That complicates things,” I said, and they watched me waiting for more. “It explains why he’s obsessed with blondes—”
New Covers update:
As of today, A Born Angel, the Stained Angel, and An Angel’s Advent now have their new covers and revised editions! This week, I hope to get Haunted Angel, Discord’s Nightmare, A Brave Sacrifice, and Cry Havoc posted too π€. That just leaves A Broken Redeemer to be added the week after.
More book news!
I forgot to tell you all last week that I have a Title for a currently unfinished book! Thanks again to Matt and his “history lessons,” or rants as he calls them. I love them and his little lesson about wars of the early 1800's gave me, “The Forlorn Hope” as the title of Inaliel’s book… You know the one I haven’t finished, because I don’t want to write the horrible ending… Any history buff should know the title gives that away.
It ALSO has a new cover! TADA! I'm hoping you'll all forget what it looks like by the time in comes out (in a few years)...
Anthology news!
“Where Myths Walk”, my very first anthology release, Now has a cover!!! This book will be on sale, through amazon from September 30th and December 31st. 11 self-published authors (including me) have each written a short story about a mythical creature and I have the list! In order by author first name:
- The Hydra - Alicia S. Rivers
- The Fairy - Cadmi O' Cleirigh
- The Vampire - Casiddie Williams
- The Griffin - Cordelia Moonweaver
- The Merman - David Vincent.
- The Wereworld - Des L. Gonzalez
- The Leprechaun - H. Warren
- The Cu Sidhe - Jenn Morales (aka yours truly)
- The Boogeyman - Jonathan Hawker
- The Minotaur - Keiri Hawker
- The Dragon - Madeline G.
- The Banshee - Niki Fixtion
All proceeds will be donated to the Wounded Warriors Project!

Next up for Beta Reading:
If you have read up to Cry Havoc in the Created Angel Chronicles, Beta Reading Signups for Book 5: Chaos Theory (β¬ οΈit has a book page now! Click it!) Open THIS Wednesday, July 17th! Beta Reading will start September 20th, and end on October 18th.
This is 2 weeks before the release of An Angel Ensnared, because I would like it finished before the holidays! WARNING: this book has MAJOR spice (aka steamy/graphic/romantic scenes between two consenting adults)! It's gonna be Spicy, Gory, and a wee bit cheesy! So MARK YOUR CALENDARS or set an alarm for Wednesday, I’ll probably drop the signups in the early morning my time.
Thanks for getting this far! Here’s a Teaser for Chaos Theory chapter 4!
“Did you call the Agency?” I asked. She nodded but didn’t say more. “Did they tell you anything? Have there been other murders like this? Did they recognize the style of killing?”
“They wouldn’t tell Kandis anything, and I was too shocked to press them,” she said, setting her hands in her lap. “I still can’t get it out of my head. I’ve never seen anything so… depraved… and brutal. Not in all my years.”
For a preter who’d lived six thousand years, and seen many wars first hand, that was saying something. I rubbed her back and tried to think of something to say, some comfort to give. Tiffany was her adopted sister. All the girls she helped were. They were her found family, the replacement for a pantheon that condemned her.
Art Feature:
This week, we have a picture that was a request from my Emotional Support Australian and just in time for Christmas in July. We have the “Kali’s of Christmas”, Past (A Born Angel), Present (An Angel Ensnared ), and Future (Around the Deadly Sirens books). She changes a LOT from her very first appearance. What do you think?

As you all have read, the books will not be out all at the same time. I have to release them one at a time, but that just means there is an extra week to preorder them on my website... Currently, No one has taken me up on this offer. π
The offer: FOR A LIMITED TIME, there is a special, here on the website, where you can get all 8 new covers in paperback and hardcover for 25% off, and you can preorder them! (Special ends August 18th)
Books that are preordered (before the 1st of August) will be shipped after I receive them, which will probably end up being in mid August possibly early September.
As a thank you for ordering from my site, you’ll receive a 25% off coupon to use on any item in my shop. Additionally... Anyone who preorders will be entered into a giveaway to win a Chaos Theory T-shirt:

Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:
Mark Your Calendars:
Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5
Beta Reading: June 21-July26
~ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st.
~ ARC Reading: starts September 15th
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
~ Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
~ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st.
~ Beta Reading begins: Friday, September 20th - Friday, October 25th.
~ ARC sign-ups begin: October 1st.
~ ARC Reading: March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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