Weekly Newsletter 113: October 5

Published on 5 October 2024 at 00:22

        My favorite month is here! It’s been good so far too, though a bit busy, and things are arriving for the Book Boxes of An Angel Ensnared! I’m nearly done writing An Angel Falls! I also wrote out my talk for Indie Author Day at Central Library as well. Now I just need to sit down and do the power point… AND THE ANTHOLOGY IS OUT NOW!

Author's Life:

      October is my favorite month! Not just because of Autumn being in full swing, or An Angel Ensnared releasing in 25 dadys, but because of the chill that sets in, the calm, the routine that settles over the everyday as kids are back in school, lawnmowers are put away, and snowblowers prepped for the winter storms at least here in South Western New York. It’s just a cozy feel and I love it so much.

       Health Update: I had a CAT scan for the abdomen pain, no news so far on that. Saw the Endocrinologist and they’re referring me to a Thyroid specialist because we’re butting heads about medication. I’m annoyed, frustrated, and sick of them simply recommending to up the thyroid medication dosage when it hasn’t lowered my TSH, if anything it’s gotten worse. There is something else going on and they’re not willing to look deeper. So, it’s time to see a specialist.

      While I’m fighting that, I’ve been writing more…

Writing & Editing:


I’ve finished the rewrite and written almost 12k words this week. An Angel Falls went from 105k to 93k and is now back up to 103.5k! I’ve also nearly finished it! Hoping to get it done this week!

Beta readers:

They’re currently reading chunk 2 (Chapters 11-20) and loving it. 2 of them have finished already. They loved it so much and my “DA Mom” is ready for the next book, which I need to finish writing…


LAST CALL TO ORDER An Angel Ensnared! You can find the shop link by clicking this. And if you want more information about the book, Click the title: An Angel Ensnared.

ALSO! The Anthology I was in "Where Myths Walk" is out now! You can get it in paperback, hardcover, and ePub now!

Thank you for reading this far, here’s a quote from Angel Ensnared. This comes from Chapter 21:

      “Kalista, don’t—” Forseti started, and I turned to him.

      “You want me to leave her there, tied to that monster, to continue on in that hellish existence where she has no free will, no safe place, and no friends to speak of?” I asked being blatantly honest. He stared at me, but he had no ground to stand on. “I will not leave her to suffer. He’s using her as his scape goat, and it will not continue—”

      “Kalista, you’re not thinking clearly,” he tried to steer my train of thought away from it. He was right, but I couldn’t think clearly, not with thoughts of what that monster could be doing to her dancing in my head.

Art Feature:

      For this week, I didn’t do any art for An Angel Ensnared, BUT I did make a few for An Angel Falls, so I’m gonna share one with you and a little snippet from that book as a teaser for my betas of the Kalista Chronicles to sink their teeth into:

      “Wasn’t the plan for her to drive us to the church—”

      “It was, but she called last night, just after we said goodnight, and—” she paused as Tatiana locked eyes with her.

      “Something came up,” the three of us chorused, and Merida glared at us, trying to figure out what we were on about.

On Sale in the Store!

Now until Halloween! Kalista Chronicles Bundle:
book 1-4 is 25% of Paperback and Hardcovers,
AND 40% off eBooks!

Thanks for reading!

~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)

For more information and little updates along the way follow me on social media:

Mark Your Calendars:

Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Ensnared, book 5

Beta Reading: June 21-July26
✅ ARC sign-ups: closes September 1st
✅ ARC Reading: They're all out!
~ Release Day: Thursday, October 31st

Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5

Cover Reveal: Wednesday, July 10th 5pm EDT.
✅ Beta Reader Sign-ups: Wednesday, July 17th - Sunday, September 1st
✅ Beta Reading Began: Friday, September 20th & ends Friday, October 18th. 
~ ARC sign-ups begin: January 3rd.
~ ARC Reading: begins March 1st.
~ Release Day: April 9th, 2025

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