First, thank you to those who have pre ordered Chaos Theory or a Chaos Theory Label Tee because you pre ordered the eBook. You make my days brighter and help me not give up. This week Pre Publishing Depression has hit, and it makes both advertising, talking about the books, and writing harder…

Author's Life:
What is Pre Publishing Depression? Let me explain… No, it’s too much for the newsletter. So, I’ve written a blog in the “Now it’s Personal” giving an in depth explanation, but let me sum up for those who don’t want all the details:
Pre Publishing Depression is exactly what it sounds like. About a month and a half before the book is published, while I’m promoting and marketing the eBook and signed copy pre orders, I slammed by a tsunami of depression. Why? Because only a handful of people have interacted with my preorder posts or read the promo email, let alone followed the links to the pre order page. Thus, driving me back to the writing, which perpetuates the cycle of write, edit, beta, depression.
Speaking of which, lets talk about the writing…
The work Life:
Writing was... arduous. I haven’t had a good writing day since last Saturday where I wrote 5,712 words into Book 7 of the Kalista Chronicles, which I haven’t settled on the title of yet. It now has 16,458 words. But from Monday to Friday, I only wrote 2,758 words, and that was just editing, not furthering the story.
Editing & Formatting:
I’ve not edited more of the Omnibus either… And Matt is starting An Angel Falls this weekend… I’m on track to meet deadlines still, but I’m going to be focusing on editing more this week so I can get the Omnibus finished.
Reminder: Cover Reveal for the Omnibus is March 1st!


Bringing Back the Limited Tee!
Signed Copy Pre Orders of Chaos Theory are open, and I currently have 4 book orders and 1 tee shirt order! Thank you, to those who ordered this week: Dee, Mal, Lilah, and Patrick.
Also, a special thanks to Roxie, who bought the 4 book first edition set in the scratch and dent sale.
Amazon has 3 pre orders, which is better than some of the books did on there. Thank you to those who ordered there too! 🥲

Just the Books
Or Preorder It elsewhere!
Art Feature:
For this week, we have a picture that comes from Chapter 14 of Chaos Theory which is one of Matt’s favorite scenes. In which, Max is scooching ever closer to Chaos while no one is looking. (choppy snippet below)
Chapter 14 Snippet:
“That went well,” the Cú Sídhe said, his deep voice vibrating my bones, and I turned to him. There was a bang from the back room as a door slammed, and I had a feeling Kotys was laying into her mother for lying to her since the day she was born. Zamina was the only one who could lie to Kotys and get away with it. I didn’t envy the verbal lashing that Zamina was getting, but I didn’t have to worry about that. How could I with the Mountain of a Cú Sídhe inching closer?
“About as well as you’d expect for finding an unknown heir,” I said, leaning back. He chuckled...
“Max, I won’t make you come back with us. I’ll have your car in the lot before opening,” he (Lucifer) said, and I tilted my head. Max… like the Mad Max t-shirt he wore yesterday, or was he the Mad Max I heard rumours about? I turned to find that Max was now close enough that there was barely a hand span between our thighs. He tipped an imaginary hat to Lucifer, who turned to me.
“That is if you don’t mind him staying?” he phrased it like a question, but I didn’t understand why. Yes, Max had a bloody past that included myself, and Discord, but he saw my ombre hair and mismatched eyes the other night. My powers hadn’t changed that much… Though I hadn’t used them until after he was dead. The Triumvirate used the damn serum on me and incapacitated my destructive power before using my Angelic name to send me to the hill to watch the Cú Sídhe die.
Still, he might know who I was. He might even have wanted to stay to ask me about my shyfted form and the touches were him trying to confirm my identity. Or I could be overthinking, and he might be completely oblivious to that and just trying to lay on the charm so thick that I left a mark on the seat in the short shorts. All of this was simply speculation and overthinking.
“I don’t mind at all,” I answered Lucifer before I cuddled under Max’s arm, closing the gap between us before he could. I set my hand on his thigh and my blood ignited again. “We have time to make up for.”
“I’ll leave you to it,” Lucifer said, and disappeared in a burst of dark smoke, giving us the room before he could say anything else. He always was one for dramatics. Most Angel’s of Music were…
Thanks for reading!
~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)
Mark Your Calendars:
Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5
~ ARC sign-ups for Chaos Theory begin: January 1st! ⬅️
~ February 14th PREORDER for Chaos Theory begins and ends March 9th for hardcovers, and March 15th for paperback.⬅️
~ March 1st: ARCS Sent
~ April 9th, BOOK DAY!
Kalista Chronicles Omnibus, Part 1: The Devil's Daughter
~ January 1st: title Reveal on social media
~ March 1st: Cover Reveal
~ March 8th Kindle Preorder begins
~ May 1st Preorder of Signed copies here on the website.
~ June 8th: BOOK DAY!
The Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Falls, Book 6
~ May 1st Beta signups will open. They close June 8th.
~ Cover Reveal June 1st!
~ June 13th-July 18 Beta Reading
~ July 31st Preorders will begin for Kindle versions.
~ August 18th ARC Signups Open.
~ September 1st: Signed Copy preorder starts here on the website.
~ September 30th: ARCS release.
~ October 31st: BOOK DAY!!!
For more information and little updates along the way
follow me on social media:

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