Weekly Newsletter 136: March 15

Published on 15 March 2025 at 00:02

      You ever feel like life is just against you? You do everything right, and yet it doesn't work out? That’s how this week felt for me... 

Author's Life:

      My mental health was a dumpster fire this week. I had a great writing weekend, before my brain had to remind me that the pre order "Get it by release day" for Chaos closes today, and I only have 6 orders for the book. That’s half the orders I had from Cry Havoc (the book before this) and one less than I had for Angel Ensnared (the last release)... It’s hitting me hard, and I've been thinking about the bigger picture.

      There comes a time when you have to look at the big picture, to zoom out and compare the past successes to the present, and realize that sometimes I can do everything right and releases can still flop… I keep reminding myself that it’s not my fault that I didn’t meet my imaginary goal. I did the same things at the same times as the last book (Cry Havoc) and did everything I could to get the word out. It’s simply that the world is a shitshow, so I won’t get the same results I did a year ago or even six months ago. Even for my milestone 10th novel published.

      Am I still depressed and stressed about it cause I ordered 5 of each format even though only 4 hardcover and 3 paperbacks so far? Yes. It can’t be helped. Can I do anything more or different to help? No. I’m still promoting, pushing the book out there, and trying to get more people to see it, but I’ve let go of the expectation of having 10 physical copy orders, which is half the number I had from Discord’s Nightmare. C’est la vie. (That's life)

The work Life:


      I had an amazing 4 day writing weekend: I wrote 13,796 words from Friday-Monday, but then depression and anxiety dragged me down, and I only added another 1,659 words of edits over the next three days, which puts Kalista book 7 at 32,490 words at the moment.


      My Dad finished the red pen proofing of An Angel Falls… He started on Tuesday Night as he got home late Monday, and his remark upon finishing was "Thanks for not leaving it as a total cliff hanger 😏,which made my night. 😈


Just the books!

     Signed Copy Pre Orders of Chaos Theory Close today for release day arrival. If you order after today, I cannot guarantee that I can get it to you on time. There are also no new orders to report… anywhere.

      Amazon still sits at 3 pre orders, and I won't know about any other eBook pre orders until release day. 

Paperback Box!

Or Preorder It elsewhere!

Art Feature:

     This week, I’ve been focused on a comic page (or three) commission, so I don’t have any new story art. I’m pulling another one of my favorites from Chaos Theory that I made back in New Year’s Eve 2020. This is Viv, the newest adoption of the Kandy Family, standing in the hall when Chaos punches through a brick column for “Anger Management” in Chapter 16. Fun Fact: in the original draft, Vivian ran away from Chaos in this instance. Another Fun Fact: She appears in Chaos Theory, Cry Havoc, and teaser you see a cameo of little Viv in An Angel Falls… That’s all I’m saying about that.

Thanks for reading!

~Jenn (aka Born Angel Author)

Mark Your Calendars:

Created Angel Chronicles: Chaos Theory, book 5

~ ARC sign-ups for Chaos Theory begin: January 1st!

~ February 14th PREORDER for Chaos Theory began and ends March 9th for hardcovers, and March 15th for paperback.⬅️

~ March 1st: ARCS Sent

~ April 9th, BOOK DAY!

Kalista Chronicles Omnibus, Part 1: The Devil's Daughter

~ January 1st: title Reveal on social media 

~ March 1st: Cover Reveal

~ March 8th eBook Preorder began ⬅️

~ May 1st Preorder of Signed copies here on the website.

~ June 8th: BOOK DAY!

The Kalista Chronicles: An Angel Falls, Book 6

~ May 1st Beta signups will open. They close June 8th.

~ Cover Reveal June 1st!

~ June 13th-July 18 Beta Reading

~ July 31st Preorders will begin for Kindle versions.

~ August 18th ARC Signups Open.

~ September 1st: Signed Copy preorder starts here on the website.

~ September 30th: ARCS  release.

~ October 31st: BOOK DAY!!!

For more information and little updates along the way
follow me on social media:

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